Chapter 22

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{Noor's pov}

   I jolted from sleep sweating and panting for breath in the middle of the night after my nightmare. It had been long since I got nightmares about Ibin but since I saw him while in the coffee shop it brought back all the memories.

   My cheeks were damp with tears while my heart thundered harshly in my chest. My phone dinged and when I checked I almost choked on air barely had I seen what was sent. I stiffled the sob that escaped my lips before the phone slipped from my fingers and fell on the floor.

  He had sent me a picture of my sister-in-law Husnah held captive and her life was on a line-in my hands this minute. I stood up slowly not wanting to wake Fayd up and did what Ibin had told me. I wrote a quick note but with tears rolling down my cheeks then placed it on the table besides our bed.

  I knelt in front of Fayd and pecked his forehead smiling with gratification. Even though I was leaving and have no hope of seeing him again I whispered I love you in his ears and turned to leave. 

  I caressed his beard dread and sorrow filling me because we might not see each other again but I trust Allah.

  More tears rolled down my cheeks when I remembered yesterday night, it was the first time to consummate our marriage. I felt loved while I was with Fayd although I was scared, he handled me with care even though he seemed to be in daze.

   I loved the joy that filled my heart when Fayd kept saying my name during our time together and I will never forget his goodness towards me so I will return the favour by saving Husnah.

  The hotel was dead silent when I walked down the hallway towards the elevator. Glancing about the area, I saw the reception desk empty so I scurried off outside the hotel and stood where Ibin had told me to meet him.

   His silhouette was no where while I searched about the dark but before I could head back, something touched the back of my head causing me to freeze.

   "Hey angel," I squeezed my eyes shut trembling. Never did I imagine to hear that voice again, the voice that haunts my dreams.

   "I underestimated you angel but you're indeed smart," he taunted while holding my arm roughly and dragging me away from the hotel. We halted in front of an obsidian van and he blindfolded me.

   All the torturing memories came back and more tears rolled down my cheeks. The engine of the van ignited then a pit formed in my heart when I noticed it was moving away from the hotel...away from Fayd.

  The journey was long and tedious but later it stopped and Ibin opened the door. According to the eery silence of the place I knew we were far from people. Darkness is all I saw even when the blindfold was taken off me.

  Ibin dragged me towards a dilapidated building in silence yet my mind couldn't wrap around the fact that that my childhood friend and ex-crush had become this despicable and selfish.

  "Why are you doing this?" I asked with frustration and he gave me a menacing look making me shudder in fear.

  "Why I'm I doing this?" he asked, "well, angel you know I'm possessive and possessive people don't share what is theirs- you are mine. I don't know when you'll understand that but I'm not letting you go." 

  I remained silent while staring at my feet. "Where is Husnah?"

  "Patience angel," he gave me a grim smile while we stopped in front of a door. My eyes widened in shock when I saw Husnah tied in ropes on a chair but she looked awful and in a poor condition. One of her eyes was purple-black while her clothes were dishevelled.

  Her face was swollen with bruises and it was all my fault. I bolted towards her and began sobbing. She trembled when her gaze fell on Ibin.

  "Please let her go its me you want not her!" I snapped while he stared at us blankly. My attention went back to Husnah who was squirming in her seat. 

  'Run as you can and call for help,' I whispered in her ear before cutting the ropes with the small kitchen knife I had packed for emergency. My heart pumped faster in my chest while adrenaline rushed through me. It was either fight or flight and I chose fight so I lunged at him and cut his hand.

  "Run!" I screamed at Husnah who didn't hesitate to jump out of the chair and bolted for the door.

  Ibin was taken by surprise he howled in agony shocked but he recovered quickly and pinned me against the wall choking the breath out of me. My vision became hazy while my lungs begun to hurt due to the lack of air supply.

  I caught a glimpse of Husnah standing in the hallway staring at me but conflicted between staying to help or running away. "Go," I whispered then she ran hesitantly before my gaze met Ibin's furious one.

  Ya Allah, I thank you for giving me this precious life. If this is how it ends then I ask you to protect my family and friends. I hope you'll receive my soul with open arms and I ask for your forgiveness, amen.

  I caressed Ibin's cheek before energy slowly drained from my body and my eyes rolled at the back of my head.

  "Noor angel?" his voice sounded distant but it held panic while he came back to his senses, "I'm so sorry angel. Why don't you listen now see what you made me do?!'

   My hearing senses numbed and I slipped into a dark abyss.


Hey dear readers thank you all who support my work. God bless you.

I'm poor at writing some parts but I'll keep on trying to deliver my ideas to you. Don't forget to vote, comment and also check out my books on my inkitt profile.

see you in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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