Chapter 10

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[]Noor's POV []

A week went by quickly but I'd been avoiding Fayd ever since he almost broke my hand.  I knew he didn't like me but he didn't have to inflict pain for me to understand his resentment and I always thought he had a good heart but he erased that image from my mind when I saw he's true colors. I was sitting in this strange room at the moment painting a canvas of the portraits on the wall but then I remembered my promise to spend time with Habib so I stood up and went down stairs.

I was surprised to find Fayd's silhouette in the couch watching TV and halted. "Are you going somewhere?"  he asked then I looked down some how scared.

"Home," I whispered softly.

"This is home," he reminded, "I'll give you a lift." 

I just bolted outside and sat in the back seat although I didn't want him to drive me home, I had no choice. As soon as he started driving, sleep bid me good night but before I heard a whisper although I didn't open my eyes to see who it was.

"I'm sorry habibti."


"Noor wake up," someone shook my side but I just groaned annoyed they're interrupting my sleep.

"Five more minutes."

"But we're here," the person stated while I snuggled further in the car seat.

"But I want to sleep!" I groaned my eyes closed and received chuckles.

"I'll carry you then," that's when I felt huge arms wrapping around my body raising me up causing my eyes to open. At first, I shut them because of the sunshine but when my vision cleared, I gAsped at the sight of Fayd's face that wasn't far from mine his minty breath fanning my face. Fear filled me while I looked into his grey eyes waiting for his outburst but it subsided when he didn't portray any rather he observed me silently.  I scrutinized him too and realized his goatee beard was growing back and the urge to touch it over came me while my hand went for his jaw.

Shock crossed his eyes while Sparks erupted on my palm but I gently caressed his hairy chin stunned I'm not scared yet I should be. When my gaze met his eyes, I expected anger but received none so I held the bull by its horns and spoke.

"Fayd?" I was glad when he hummed in reply but I continued, "don't shave your beard please."

Silence is what I received at first before he whispered back, "ok." We both fell silent because I was too nervous to look at him. "Can you..." I gulped, "can you put me down please?" Remembering our position, he placed me on my feet and I dashed towards the door embarrassed to look at him. He'd hurt me then why was I acting this way? 

The house I once lived in before marriage was no different with aromas of biryani fiilled in the air I had a feeling mother had some guests around.  Habib was busy playing with her dolls ad building blocks with Yusuf so I tiptoed towards them and....


"Ahhh!" she jumped in fright then Yusuf burst into laughter causing her to pout angrily.

"I hate you!" she ran away crying and I rushed to go talk to her but he  stopped me.

"Asallamu aleikum Noor," Yusuf greeted and I replied looking in the direction Habib ran.

"I'll tend to Bib," he reassured, "you needn't to worry." 

"Ok." Then Yusuf sauntered towards her room leaving me there in the sitting room with Fayd. A ripple of giggles in the dining room erupted so we went there and I found mother conversing with some of my distant cousins. Some were clad in sarees because they'd married Hindu's and Gujarati men while I wore a hijab. I smiled politely and mother stood up frowning with confusion.

"Asallamu aleikum."

"Walekumusallam Noor. Why didn't you tell me you are coming?" she asked slightly angry despite her strained smile. I could tell she didn't want to look bad in front of Fayd's. 

"Her phone got lost," he lied. Why was he lying?

"My Noor has always been careless," mother said causing me to look down sadly.

"It's my fault though," he began, "I actually borrowed it for some assignments."

Why was he defending me? I turned to look at him questioningly and he smiled which made my face red so I looked away quickly. 

"Love is in the air," one of my cousins teased.

"Yes it is," Fayd's hand draped on my shoulder making me freeze despite my deepening blush. He's been acting weird the past few days so I was wondering what was going on in his mind at the moment. What are you playing at Fayd?


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