Chapter 15

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[Noor's Pov]

         We were in the month of Ramathan so the next day I woke up early and prayed morning prayers then sauntered down stairs. The Imam was reciting a dua so it was the only sound that filled the silent atmosphere while I wandered about the house. Mother-in-law was awake too and she was preparing suhoor , Kira on her left cooking pilau and minced meat in the kitchen. The day was still dark so some people in the house were still asleep, including Fayd.

       I joined mother and helped her roll the roti.   "Asallamu aleikum," I smiled when she glanced my way.   "Wallekumusallamu," she returned the smile, Kira ignored me altogether. She's just like that, not to me only but every body at home except mother and father [in-law].  


     The days of Ramathan were going on very well because I always spoke to Allah in swallah. I shut my eyes tightly when my gaze met Aman who was chewing jalebi because its one of my favorite snacks yet I'm fasting. 'Astaghfirullah'  He frowned when I denied to eat one he'd offered.

    'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar..'

     We set off when the Imam summoned us for prayers. No sooner had we reached the mosque than Fayd entered without caring whether I'm following or not. He's been silent and distant since the other day of 'Holi' I don't know why but I didn't push him to talk to me. I let him be. Before I could enter, I felt a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen reaching my upper legs and lower back making me halt. My heart begun racing while my breaths shallowed due to panic.

     Ya Allah please let it not be the time of the month! Ya Allah please- "Excuse me," a lady behind me complained because I was blocking the entrance so I stood aside caressing the aching part in attempt to dull the pain. I can't continue my fasting nor neither attend prayers because I'm unclean in this state.  I caught a glimpse of Fayd's brown thawb inside the mosque oblivious. 

      "Noor?" my gaze met Aman's concerned and confused while I leaned against the wall groaning in agony. "Are you alright?" I just stood up and walked away although the cramps were hurting so much. 

   "Hey, where are you going?" his shoes click- clacked behind me and I knew he was following. "Where is Fayd? Whats wrong?" 

   "He's at the mosque," I exhaled exasperatedly.

   "Let me help you," he held my wrist but I quickly pried it out shocked. Aman is making it hard for me, he's not married but I am so I averted my gaze and walked away from him and the university and looked for a taxi. 

    "Noor what happened?" he insisted and I was too weak to chase him off because the pain worsened then I bent and wrapping arms around myself groans escaping my lips. Some passers-by gave Aman suspicious looks. "You're not alright," he said-

     Oof! He carried me before I could process everything and sat inside a taxi. "Aman no-ouch!" black spot started to cover my vision. I tried to stay conscious but the cramps were worsening and uncomfortable. I didn't know what happened next though because I slipped into a dark abyss.


       Aman panicked when Noor fainted in his arms so he urged the driver to drive faster. He pushed the hijab slightly away from her face and stared at her, a surprise gasp leaving his lips while he took her in. 'Beautiful,' he whispered to himself looking at the delicate lady in his arms.  He was wondering why he hadn't noticed her beauty before, Fayd was a jerk. Although they're best friends, Aman disliked his behaviour towards Noor.

     He touched his chest when his heart begun somersaulting, in a good way though while he studied her heaving and falling chest. Any one would want her for a wife, He would want her for a wife because she has a heart of gold. He caressed her cheek gently as if she might break.

     "Maan khush hogee," Aman whispered in Hindi smiling like a love sick puppy. 


Maan khush hogee- mom will be happy.

Heyy! Dont forget to vote! Love ya'll.muah!


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