♧Chapter 8♧

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Two weeks later

《Fayd's POV》

Ugh! Why can't she shut up?! Two weeks since I got married and two weeks of sleepless nights because my dear wife Noor is always having nightmares.

"No," she whimpered, "no please don't." Drama queen. I stood up from my couch then slowly walked towards my bed where her sleeping frame lay. At first when we got married, she'd hosted herself on the floor but I couldn't risk her getting sick so I told her to occupy my king sized bed while I slept in the couch which isnt comfortable.

I wonder what torments her in her sleep always. Sometimes I pitied her other times her nightmares angered me because it kept me up throughout the night.
The moon lit through the window curtains and reflected her silky black hair that lay on the pillow besides her head urging me to rake my fingers through it. Her porcelain skin somewhat pale and her long black lashes resting on her cheeks giving her an innocent look but I knew better.

Noor looked delicate and vulnerable while she mumbled in her sleep and I wished we'd met at different circumstances not through arranged marriage, maybe we would have been friends.

Did she ask her parents to marry her off to me after seeing me at the mall? I felt rage rush within me before sighing and heading back towards the couch to try and sleep again.


Sounds of running water jolted me from my slumber then I realised it's morning already but I still felt exhausted because I didn't sleep well last night, again.

Thanks to Noor.

The door of the bathroom opened then my gaze met her standing there her head hunging low which for some unkown reason didn't settle well with me. She was fully covered including her hair except her face. 

"Asallamu aleikum," Noor whispered softly while fiddling with her fingers which occured when she was nervous.

"Walekumusalam," I folded my blanket, "next time learn to keep your mouth shut." I hissed then she nodded her head before quickly exiting the bedroom.

When I finished showering, I went downstairs for breakfast and found my parents cuddled in the sitting room watching one of Shah Rukh Khan's films. He's an Indian movie star that my mom adores. Her eyes were bloodshot which indicated she's from crying because of a sad part in the movie.


Sometimes I pitied dad because he had to sit with her throughout the movie to console her. Maybe thats why he loved her despite her being a half caste because one of her parents was a White and she'd inherited most of the features.

My parents' couple was a peculiar one and from mom I inherited the grey eyes.

"Oh how are you Fayd?" she smiled when she saw me.

"I'm fine mom, dad," he just nodded because he's a man of less words.

I went in the kitchen and grabbed something to eat before going outside towards my car.

"Are going somewhere?" mom's voice echoed behind me.

"To Aman's," I replied before entering my car. Aman is a Hindu and my bestfriend but he doesn't know I'm married and I dont intend on telling him...or anyone that doesn't know.


《Noor's POV》

I sighed harshly and pushed back my tears as soon as I exited Fayd's bedroom. Why does he have to be so rude? Its not like I wish to have nightmares and talk in my sleep.

Glancing around the hallways, I wondered what what way led to the kitchen. Inspite of the fact that I've stayed at the Khalids for two week, their mansion confuses me.

The head maid entered the hallway with clothes and I greeted her but she sneered in reply.

"What do you want?" she asked rudely surprising me. She's older than my mother when I see the wrinkles in her forehead.

"Can you help me find the kitchen?" I tried to keep my voice polite.

"Are you a baby?" she glared and my jaw dropped in shock. What is wrong with her? I guess she woke up on the wrong side of bed today. I stayed silent until she told me to follow her down the opposite hallway.

"They are all the same," she kept mumbling under her breath but for her age, she's really fast. "They all pretend to be good," she mumbled under her breath before we stood infront of a door that didn't look like that of a kitchen so I frowned but didn't bother uttering a word because the head maid's glare dared me.


"What is your name ma'am?" I don't know where I got the courage from but I asked and I saw surprise flash in her eyes before she masked it with a scowl. Well I guess she hates expressing her emotions.

"Its Kira," then left in a swift. Barely had she disappeared down the hallway when I ventured the room which ofcourse wasn't the kitchen. The room was dusty and the stuff there was covered with white bedsheets which indicated it hasn't been in use for a while.

There were portraits covered with cobwebs hang on the wall and were of a girl from when she was a baby to when she was a teenager, 15-16 years old. I admired her but wondered why I'd not seen her around because she shared Fayd's grey eyes and dazzling smile.

My stomach grumbled in hunger then I remembered I'd not yet had breakfast so I wandered my way around the house till I found the kitchen.
My mother-in-law was washing utensils while whispering harshly to Kira but stopped when she saw me peeking in.

"How are you Noor?" she smiled at me while Kira exited the kitchen after sending me a glare I don't know why.

"I'm fine mom," I replied softly since she'd insisted that I call her mom.

"Can you give me a hand?" she asked motioning towards the sink. I pulled up my sleeves then joined her.
"Would you like to complete university?" she asked out of the blue.

"Yes," I replied hesitantly then we continued washing the utensils which gave me a nostalgic feeling making me home sick. We used to do this with Habib so I wonder if she's alright.


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