01: New student and the class repeater.

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Y/n's POV

It's early April, and I'm currently just chilling in the bathroom, having eye contact with every toothbrush there is. "Y/n! Are you shitting yourself early in the morning? I need to get ready for school too," my brother said from outside the bathroom, geez as if he's going to school.

I originally live in the north of Tokyo, Sendai. We recently just moved out of Sendai to Shibuya. As I got older, I kept getting used to the moving routine; my mother's work required her to change places and travel cities. It wasn't that bad; our family's pretty stable.

I got out of the bathroom as soon as I finished. After that, my brother swopped himself right in and slammed the door. "I might be home late tonight, Y/n. Make sure to go home after school, take your brother with you too. I don't like him roaming around with delinquents in Shibuya," there she goes again with the nagging because my brother just won't stay out of trouble.

"Yeah, okay. At least have breakfast with us before you go." Mom refused and hurriedly put on her shoes and left. I ate and put on my uniform only to notice my brother still in the bathroom. "Oi, Chifuyu, stop imagining winning imaginary fights there inside the bathroom. I'm gonna be late because of you," I said irritatingly even tho, it's just 6:30 in the morning.

"You can go ahead. I know the way to school. Honor students can't be late~" he said with a mockery tone. I kicked the door that made him yell inside the bathroom. "Ittekimasu," I said with an angry tone, "Itterashai!", Chifuyu responded. I snatched some onigiri to eat on the way and left.

I arrived at school and saw students walking on the campus while greeting each other good morning, as usual. I luckily found the faculty room without getting lost and did the things I needed to do. As soon as I was done, I headed to my classroom. I sat near a window because the view outside is actually very calming.

The classroom is a little bit noisy but is not filled with students yet. I guess students here really get along with each other.

I got my book out since I won't have anything to do, "I heard someone will join our class today." Someone said near me, "So what?" another girl replied, "I hear he's a repeater. Could you imagine repeating the same class over and over again," the girl said and laughed with her friends that caught my attention, I looked at them with a straight face. They stopped laughing as soon as they saw me looking right into their souls.

"What are you looking at?" she said, looking smug as heck. I then went back to reading, and a hand was slammed on my desk, causing everyone to shut up and set their attention on the girl and me. She was small, and I could break her like a light stick if I wanted to. But I want to maintain my good image. I ignored her and kept reading my novel.

She scoffed, feeling hurt, "This b*tch dared to ignore me— " she said and started crying. What the heck is wrong with her? Alright, this is weird.

I still decided not to give a fuck since the bell would ring specifically in ten minutes. A sudden block and a big person's shadow appeared on my desk, "Hey, are you going to say sorry?" a raspy voice spoke out of nowhere. 'What now, seriously.'

The big guy grabbed my collar with his big hand and forced me to face him. I smiled as soon as our face met, "Do you need something from me, riceball-Kun" I said, and everybody laughed around me, seeing how the guy resembles a rice ball with his white hair.

He pulled me closer and rougher, making me hurt my nape, "Ah, geez, do your kinds of people pick on everyone who did nothing? What an ass." I said, massaging my nape.

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