12: Au revoir

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Baji's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with the sudden change of temperature in the room. Though I thought It was cold because I'm not wearing anything except for the towel wrapped around my hips. If I remember it, my body immediately shut down after taking a shower.

Well, I guess that's just it. Standing up from my bed, I headed towards the window to slide the curtain only to see the sun only halfway up, "Woke up too early, huh."

I got out of the room to see my bag on the couch and noticed the bike keys were not where I put it anymore, "Matsuno-san must've left."

Got like 7 hours before I can see Y/n. And shit, My ass forgot to call my mother. Opening the refrigerator, there I see real food waiting to be eaten. "Damn, My tongue hasn't tasted real food for a long time."

As I closed the refrigerator, a white ripped paper note stuck to the appliance with a banana magnet fell on the floor. "Ah, geez, these magnet's can't do their job well it's pissing me off— Oh, how am I supposed to get there," I said as I placed the note on the counter before turning my back again to open the microwave and put the food."

"I guess I'll take the train. There's no way that there's gonna be no route for the train from here to the hotel."

There's one thing that I noticed in this house that it wasn't a house but a mansion, but a Lil smaller than the one in Kurama. Even this house has appliances in it too. Considering it wasn't touched by the Matsuno's... So it really is true that the Minami's reigned over Kyoto with their dirty money.

The microwave lets out a 'ding' sound signaling me to take the food. It smells nice.

Hours had passed, and it's 10 pm. I washed some of my clothes because who the hell would wash them for me? It wasn't that much anyway. Maybe I can ask Matsuno-san to bring me more if she ever comes back here— I mean, she will.

I unlocked my phone as I shove a banana in my mouth, only to see unread messages from my mother. I started panicking and opened the messages expecting a rant from her. But I was taken aback by her word.

Turns out she already knew what happened and is okay about me staying in Kyoto for a month, and that Matsuno-san came by to tell her about it, and they had— BREAKFAST?! THEY HAD BREAKFAST TOGETHER? Oh wow, they sure have become close for a short amount of time. Damn, they prolly had a good time while I'm struggling to wash my clothes. But anyway, I'm happy mom wasn't mad.

It's 10... she's probably home. I think I should call her.

As I was about to press dial, her name popped out of my screen. "What a coincidence."

I answered it. Mom bombarded me with questions while talking like some award-winning rapper, "Yo, slow down—,"

"Are you okay?!" mom said before stopping. So that's what she wants to ask?

"You could've just asked directly, you know, you said a lot I couldn't catch up. And yes, I'm fine," I answered with my phone in between my shoulders and ears, trying to finish eating the rest of the banana. Throwing it in the bin before grabbing my wallet and the house key to lock the place and continue with my day.

I arrived at the train station, swiping my card at the entrance. I noticed everyone running towards the train, making me confused, "Huh? Isn't the next train by 11:25—Oh wait, shit, it's 11:24 right now."

Before the door to the train closes, I managed to slip myself right on time. "Shit, that was tiring," I stated, panting while trying to hold on a hand holder on top of my head.

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