04: Toman

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Y/n's POV

"Mikey! are you okay?" Oh, so Mikey's his name, huh? Everyone gasps at the circumstances. Some are even feeling bad for me right now, which I don't know why "she just buried a grave for herself."

"Damn, she got lotta guts," everybody stopped whispering things to each other when a loud laugh was heard emanating from the Mikey guy.

"Damn, I definitely saw that one coming, but I never conceived that It would be so strong. I mean, no one ever did that to me." Mikey...saw that one coming? But why didn't he protect himself, "I'm sure If I did something to prevent that, you would get hurt. There's no way I'd lay a hand on a girl", he said, smiling at me. He's weird...well, that's what I thought except for that one guy he's with, he's tall, six-footers, I guess.

"Whatcha doin' there just standing after hitting someone else's back, I'll murder you bitch", the tree guy said, approaching me with a scary aspect. Chifuyu came into the scene and stood up between the tree guy and me, "Let her go, she has her reasons, Draken," the Draken dude changed his sight from me to Chifuyu, "huh? who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Draken! just go ahead and pursue them. We're wasting time", says Mikey, who was leaning at the window.

"Listen, we're just here to invite Chifuyu in a meeting—"

"I don't trust y'all's faces. And how did you both even enter the campus? You can't go around beating people just because you feel like it."

"Says you who stepped on them too while running towards us," the tree guy answered back.

"Nee-san, chill out. It's okay", Chifuyu said.

"Let's go, Chifuyu!" A tiny guy around 160 centimeters said very livelily, dragging Chifuyu with him, "no, no, no unless you tell me where the fuck're you taking my brother," I said, gripping my hands tight around the blonde's wrist. "Oh, I see you're the sister. We're just taking him somewhere to properly welcome him", A guy with a dragon tattoo on the side of his head affirmed.

"May I ask where?" I said, "xx diner," wait...xx restaurant? isn't that...the place Baji told me. "Coincidence, I'm meeting someone there," I replied, "Then, let us escort you," Draken said, escort me? he was about to kill me seconds ago.

We went outside the school to see a Kawasaki Zephyr 400 and a CB250T being parked, "Don't tell me we're going to ride—"

"Yeah, scared?" Draken interrupted. I gave him an evil smirk as I snatched the helmet from his hands, "Wear this, Chifuyu," I said, throwing him the headgear, "Wait, how about you?" I ignored him and threw my bag at him, which he caught. "I'm driving," I said, and the tiny guy smiled at me like we're friends and handed me the keys.

We arrived at an unfamiliar restaurant, "Thanks for trusting me with your bike," I said, tossing him back the keys, "Not a big issue here," Mikey reassured. That's what they say that it's not a big deal, but bikes to people like Mikey and Draken are like their girlfriend. I know because dad used to have one, and we'd take a ride at night to enjoy the city.

I looked back to see Chifuyu clinging onto my bag and keep staring at Mikey's CB250T with the headgear still on. It made me laugh a bit, "Hey, what's wrong," I said, making him look at me as I unlocked the helmet's lock and removed it from his head, "Your driving reminds me of...dad", my shoulder fell, I licked my dry lips with my tongue thinking of what to say. "But that was great. You really act like him, not in a bad way though," he smiled and gave me my bag.

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