21: 7 years later, and I'm still your beginning, middle and end

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"Love letters" playlist because I was bored, so I made one. 



The fresh air of Tokyo brushed against your skin that has been used to the air abroad, inhaling them before smiling widely, "Welcome back, Y/n," you said to yourself, roaming your eyes to grab a taxi.

"Hello, good morning. Where would you like me to escort you?" said the driver politely. "Oh, hey, xxx apartment, please," the driver nodded, driving away.

It has been seven years, and your family still 'kinda' lives in the same penthouse. There are too many memories made for the three of you to leave. That's why you decided to stay.

You arrived in the apartment building in no time because the traffic is not that heavy. Seeing the penthouse from below is too blinding because of the sun.

No one knows you were coming today because you told them that you can't make it for today, but it was all a joke to surprise them, but you were a little unhappy hearing nothing from the inside of the unit. "Is someone not home?"

You opened the door with the same key from 7 years ago and seeing nothing has changed inside the house, except for the decorations and stuff, but the placement of the appliances are still the same, "Nostalgic..."

"I wonder where Chifuyu is... maybe he's managing his business near Shibuya crossing," you said to yourself, caressing your pencil skirt, "Hmm.. should I change?" removing your blazer, you placed it on the couch.

Your heels made a sound every time it makes contact with the tiles while you walked to open the curtain of the big glass window. As you pulled the fabric away from covering it, the sun shined, lighting the inside of the apartment unit.

Your eyes got blinded by it for a second before your vision started going back to normal. There, your eyes perceived the balcony, the balcony where Baji spent his remaining days with you. It wasn't a good memory, and it wasn't a bad one either.

Both of you fought in that balcony that night, and the stars were the witnesses. Your fingers ran through the handle of the glass door, opening it and making your way to the big platform.

You decided to sit on the old couch after placing a handkerchief to sit because it was too dusty. No one takes care of the house now since your mother went back to Sendai. Chifuyu often sleeps in this penthouse. He spends his time in new york to study and went back here to Japan to build a business of his own which you helped him too, as starters, because he didn't have the money yet for construction.

The building is two-story. The upstairs is where Chifuyu sleeps when he's too lazy to go home.

You stood up from sitting and admiring the view below you. It's noontime, but there are a lot of people outside, prolly because it's Halloween.

A lot of Halloween had passed, but only one struck everyone's mind. None other than the "Bloody Halloween."

You glanced over to look at your wristwatch, seeing it's already close to 11, "Time to see my beloved," you happily said to yourself before making your way inside your old room to change for more comfortable clothes.

You changed into a white chiffon blouse tucked in khaki elegant wide-leg trousers, paired with a pair of nude heels, "I'm not that bad anymore at fashion, I guess. Unlike the 17-year-old me."

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