05: Uncanny feeling

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3rd person's POV

You woke up with a feeling of a soft mattress caressing your back, "Ahhh, my back hurts," thou said, feeling your back with your hand as you wondered who brought you here since you remember falling asleep at the door. 'It must've been, Baji-Kun,' you thought to yourself. As you roamed your eyes around, you saw a paper bag placed at the nightstand, "What is this?", you reach out for it; opening the package to see medicines for hangover and back relief patches, 'Baji...brought this?'

You made your way downstairs, seeing Chifuyu coming out of the bathroom, "Hey, is your head okay?" you asked. "No, but I can't tell mom," you secretly passed him the medicine because your mom was near, "Eat before taking this."

You went ahead to get cold water in the fridge, "Who was that guy from last night?", you stopped drinking, making you look at the lady, "Who...?", you remained calm but secretly panicky, wishing it wasn't Baji she's talking about.

"good looking guy, long-haired, kinda has fangs, wearing a gang uniform if I guessed that right," thou wondered why isn't your mother bothered about the 'gang uniform.'

"What if he really is a...part of a gang. Would you be okay with it?" She stopped for a second and stared at the wall before continued cooking again.

"As long as you don't involve yourself in dangerous things, I'll let you be friends with him...but that doesn't mean you'll lower your guard, or worse, join one," at that point, you felt a little guilty, looking back at Chifuyu who's head was low, 'I am sorry, mom' you apologized in your head. You don't want Chifuyu to end up like your dad, but you also want him to live the life he wants without getting trapped in the past.

For you, as long as you're beside him, nothing terrible is going to happen. Protecting him is enough. You know too well that protecting someone and strangling someone is very different. You don't want to suffocate him.

You and Chifuyu arrived at the school, separating ways. He didn't have the trouble to say goodbye and just left. 'Maybe he's bothered about what mother said at breakfast.' you assumed to yourself.

You decided to just let him be first and talk it out with him later. You arrived in the classroom and saw everyone being quiet, which was weird. It was always noisy.

"Matsuno-chan!" a sudden shout startled you, "We want to say sorry about what happened yesterday!", you already forgot about it because of Baji, but now that you remembered it again, it feels heavy. "We were in the wrong, and we admit that!" another girl said, and all of them agreed.

"We should've known the real story before believing Aiya-chan," you got confused as to how did they know the 'real story, "Real story? who told you the real story."

A guy lifted up an old newspaper. "We were cleaning when we saw this. No one knows who kept it here. No one owns this either. Considering it was an article back in 2001. But...we all got aware that of what really happened," you snatched the newspaper on his hand to read what was written on it. You folded it and placed it inside your pocket.

"It's alright, just don't bully someone again," they all bowed once again. And a clap was heard, "What a scene," 'it's the girl from yesterday,' you said to yourself, 'she's the girl who spread the news, Aiya Harake.'

"No matter what that article says, I won't back out, Matsuno."

"Hm, really," a guy suddenly approached Aiya with a deep-toned voice. You looked up to see Baji; his hand was on Aiya's shoulder, gripping tightly. You can see her grunting in pain while Baji just looks at her innocently. "I suggest if you don't stop picking on her, then I'll just make your life a living hell," he whispered to Aiya, which you can't hear for yourself, 'what is Baji-Kun saying?'

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