03: Indelible past

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Y/n's POV; the Year 2001

"Mom, what time will Dad be home?" My little brother questioned my mother, who was preparing food. We were sitting near the counter waiting for her to finish, "Soon. Why?" My brother pouted at her answer, "He said we'll watch a movie tonight," Mom turned around to look at us, "He'll be home, honey-" mom paused, hearing the door being opened, "Oh, your dad's here."

We all looked at the door seeing our father; there was something off about him. "Dad, let's go watch a movie!", Chifuyu said running to him for a hug. Rather than hugging his son back, Dad dragged him by the wrist and pulled Chifuyu softly to sit beside me, "Listen, Chifuyu. We'll watch it after Dad solves some problems, alright?" Dad reassured, messing with Chifuyu's hair and caressing my cheeks. I felt something odd... I sense panic and worry, but my worry will make Chifuyu worry too.

I gazed at my father, who was heading over towards mom, "Chifuyu...why don't you stay in the living room first?" he agreed, feeling disappointed. I accompanied him to the living room and decided to peek at what's happening in the kitchen, "Akiyama's killing the old Southside members. We need to get out of Sendai or just move somewhere for now—"

"No, what? Yoshiyuki, we can't. I work here! do you realize that?" I flinched at the sudden shout. "We have no alternative, Hikari. Let's go", father held mom's hand to take her to the room, but she didn't move.

It was silent. Until mother was now sniffling, restraining her anger and tears that are raging together. "You said... you already left the gang. You said everything's okay now, so why are we doing this, Yoshiyuki?! Why are we running away again?!" Mom shouted, and I felt hands tugging my clothes, "Why are they fighting, 'neesan?" I only looked at Chifuyu and not knowing what to answer until my father spoke again, "that's what I thought, Hikari..." there was sadness present in our father's voice like he was dissatisfied with himself.

"You made sure. Are you being selfish right now? We have two kids. You swore to keep us safe from everything in your past!" A sound of crying I never heard before from my own mother.

It was painful to witness that. "Yes, I promised that in the past, but we can't always guarantee the future! So I'm telling you we need to move now, Hikari. I need you to trust me, alright?" My father held mother's cheeks, kissing her forehead to comfort her.

"Now, pack a few things that you and our twins will need."

Mom rushed to the chamber as my father stopped when he saw us peeking. He kneeled and hugged us both, "Hey, you little cuties, why don't you both go help mom pack, hm?", he said smiling at us as nothing happened. "Where are we going, dad?", Chifuyu queried, "you'll see. Now go."

Chifuyu ran after my mom, but I stayed, making my father look at me, "what's wrong, Y/n?" my father asked. "Are we going to be okay?" Dad held my hand and played with my fingers before responding, "yes, of course. You have the strongest dad!" he said jokingly.

I smiled because if he says we'll be fine, then we will. "Can I help?", before my father could answer... a loud bang on the door and window was heard. Flashlights from outside reflected at our window, giving light inside our dark house.

Mom ran quietly outside with a big bag, and Chifuyu dressed warmly, holding her hand. "We need to get out of here, go to the emergency exit we made before they could surround the house. I'll be following you", my father instructed, "You better be behind us, Yoshiyuki, or I'm gonna punch the hell out of you."

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