07: It wasn't a misunderstanding

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3rd person's POV

Baji arrived at his house, feeling tired as distress took over him. He fell on the floor as soon as he entered. He then laughed with small tears falling, "misunderstanding huh, who am I kidding."

The lad dropped his things on the floor then headed to the bathroom to clean up. As soon as he walked in, he saw his reflection. At this point, he can't figure out whether he's sad about Y/n or his relationship with Hanako.

No matter how many times he convinced himself, he knew that kiss wasn't an accident. It was both of their desires too.

He slammed his fist at the mirror to release every different emotion inside him, anger, sadness, and confusion. When he noticed his fist bleeding, he cleansed it with water, letting it be just like that.

Baji then took a bath and went out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips. He grabbed a comb on the shelf to comb his hair and headed towards his study desk.

He then grabbed a pen and a paper from his back and threw them at the desk before sitting on the chair, "Let's start writing...and this letter will be the last."

'You can't fix something you don't know; you would just be making yourself suffer over nonsense. This relationship isn't just my relationship; it's both of ours, Hanako and Me. If there's someone who needs to fix these unknown uncertainties in our relationship, it's the both of us.' he thought to himself.

Baji threw his pen out of frustration, "Damn it! I can't write anything!", he slammed his face on the desk, making a loud thud sound. 'It was fine before. I may get thousand of errors in writing the letters, but I can at least write a single sentence, unlike what's happening right now.'

'Maybe going out for a bit will do the trick,' Baji thought before getting dressed to head outside.

It wasn't that long until he was already far from his house. He found himself walking the path to the Matsuno's Residence. As soon as he realized where his foot was taking him, he stopped walking, and his brows met out of confusion.

He looked back and realized that he really was unknowingly walking the path to Y/n's house. He turned around to walk a different way while tying his hair in a ponytail only to see a bunch of guys smoking and talking to each other in an alley, "What'cha looking at, punk?" an older guy with a birthmark on his forehead said.

Baji didn't hesitate to land a punch on one of em's faces while keeping a straight look on his face. He straddles one of the guys to the ground beating him with no plan of stopping.

His lips started to form into a grin as he was enjoying beating the shit out of someone while its accompaniments watched their friend get his face wrecked.

Baji stood up staring, at the disabled guy on the ground. He looked back at the other guys with a scary grin look while his clenching his fist.

"You're crazy..." one of the guys said, looking terrified. "You're going to pay for this, kid." Baji laughed with their reaction before cracking his knuckles, "bring it on, weaklings."

Chifuyu decided to go out to buy some cat foods for Inu, "walking around sure is refreshing, and it's silent too—" Chifuyu wants to take back what he said when he heard a noise coming from an alley, "Just as I thought It was quiet, then someone' gonna ruin it for me."

He peeped where the noises were coming from. There he saw a bunch of guys on the floor, unconscious. His forehead crunched when he saw a guy in a hair tie, shoving a person's face on the ground, "That back sure looks familiar," Chifuyu shrugged his guessed away, "Nah, better not get involved."

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