Chapter One-It all started with Beth

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Chapter One-It all started with Beth


My life at Chesterville sucked majorly. Firstly, I was named Marilynn like some sexy Marilynn Monroe. That was an utter joke because I wasn’t even remotely blonde. My mother had been partially Asian and generically I inherited her dark hair and brown eyes. Secondly, I was a pipsqueak and there’s one thing you should know about high school. Short people were always looked down upon-literally and metaphorically. And lastly, I probably was going to make a fool out of myself just because of Bethany Willows.

I should start at the very beginning on how my lie just spiralled out of control and got me caught in Jace’s backseat like some out of date prostitute. I was minding my own business, standing at my locker and being the good girl I was, I was reading a book. Okay, okay you got me. I don’t read books at my locker; for starters, the place stank of rotten tomatoes thanks to Joseph or better known as Old-Man-Joe by students. He always managed to bring tomato sandwiches and the fact that he shared the locker above me was revolting.

But I was ogling Brett Stone who was beyond hot. Chiselled features, that rich chestnut-brown hair and eyes so green they’d make my tummy turn any day. Of course like all sad teen dramas, Brett was taken by annoyingly good-looking Bethany Willows. She was the typical blonde haired, blue eyed ice princess and ever since we entered high school, she seemed to have it out for me. Okay so maybe it was my fault to start off with but how was I to know that Beth was some fancy rich girl that everyone adored?

I cringe just thinking at that moment we met. I suppose that you all deserve to know what happened too, after all, if we don’t battle this monster then there’s no telling how I was going to win the Valentine’s Best Couple award with Jace and that was something I just couldn’t lose. Okay, deep breath in and cue that faraway tune. Let’s go back in time to freshmen year and weirdly, it begins in front of the very same locker of Old-Man-Joe’s.

Now picture a really short, dark haired girl with these hideous braces, the horrid silver kind with elastic bands all over the place and wearing the most dreadful thing ever. A chequered skirt that fell down to her knees accompanied by some black t-shirt which had a heavy metal band’s name printed across in bright red letters. Now if you haven’t figured it out yet, that girl is me. Only difference from Young-Lynn to Old-Lynn is the absence of braces and you know, letting my dad dress me.

And enter the blonde girl that everyone knows from the start that she’s going to be future Prom Queen and get caught kissing boys behind the bleachers and of course, flashing her golden credit cards to bribe the teachers into staying quiet. She has that total sex-appeal, the kind all testosterone filled boys love and would sell their lower-hanging left ball just to get with her. And this for all you people who have no imagination whatsoever or have in fact zoned out picturing this blonde beauty as your future wife or even have left to the kitchen to chop off that lower-hanging left ball; is Bethany Willows.

It started off as a brilliant friendship of at least, I would say give or take, five seconds. And then all hell broke loose. Bethany was using some fancy designer scarf; a white kind that I admit did look good in our cheap school lighting. And like the weird girl I looked, I was drinking pink milkshake, the strawberry kind that made everything seem like heaven as you slurped down that cool sugary taste. After this, I should totally get some pink milkshake.

Beth was walking to the locker next to mine, followed by her sidekicks; Jane and Carly. They were chattering insistently and paid no attention at all to me except for the rolling of eyes from Beth as she glanced down at my outfit which in my defence looked perfectly fine to Old-Lynn. Now Old-Lynn didn’t get the memo with how high school worked so I walked up to Beth and told her politely that she was standing in front of my locker and I needed to use it.

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