Chapter Six-Mud in my lady garden

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~Fact#4 Happiness in a person has a fragrance~

Chapter Six

I had mud in places mud shouldn’t have been.

You’re probably wondering what the heck I’m talking about because which normal girl would have mud in her lady garden? And yes if you’ve gasped and covered your eyes because I used the term lady garden instead of my lady-parts or the ‘v’ word that will never be mentioned because it’s sort of gross and oh-so-technical and reminds us all of reproduction in Biology then you’re a prude.

Mud dear girls and boys is not something you’d want down there, making this horrid squelching sound with every move you made and rubbing in angles that should be made illegal against the most precious part of your body. Firstly, mud is dirt which has been liquefied by rain that springs up from out of the blue and secondly, dirt shouldn’t be anywhere near your lady garden-please take that in a literal and metaphorical way.

But what was really awkward was the fact that I was covered in mud next to Jace.

Jace Collins as in the hot bad boy of Chesterville, the guy that used to date Beth and notorious for having girls in and out of his life with a new day but the most important of all was the fact that he had mysteriously left Chesterville only to return years later to finish off his senior year. And if that wasn’t worth dying over curiosity then I didn’t know what was. Actually now that I think of it, wondering about how I got mud in my lady garden is rather curious.

But like all good stories, I’ll start from the beginning.

“A party,” I scoffed at the blonde girl who just smiled.

And by blonde girl I mean Bethany Willows.

Beth rolled her blue eyes at me then replied in a demeaning manner, “Yeah a party Marilyn. I know you haven’t been to one and all that but even a Mormon like you should keep track.”

I bit back a growl then hissed, “I’ve been to parties before.”

“Yeah like when, the third grade?” Beth asked with a sigh, she cut me off as I began to protest, “Look, just be there okay? It’s a party that I chose to host and Mrs Davis is forcing me to invite everyone who made it through to the second round.”

I frowned and examined Beth’s eyes for any sign that would give away she was lying but by God! The girl was telling the truth because the only thing I got from scanning her face was that she was an expert in applying mascara. With a sigh, then making a huge deal out of opening my locker door because hey, I wasn’t going to pass up a chance to make Beth squirm-okay, she didn’t squirm, she glared at me with her hands on her hips.

“Fine,” I finally answered, “I’ll be there.”

Beth managed to hide her irritation as she spoke, “You need to bring your date too.”

“I know that,” I answered slowly with a frown.

Beth narrowed her eyes at me then lowered her voice, “I’m watching you Marilyn. If you so much as lose your act with Jace, I’ll make sure that you and that ‘boyfriend’ of yours goes down.”

The threatening tone in Beth’s tone was almost bone-chilling scary and it made me shudder slightly before I nodded and replied, “Try all you want Beth but Jace and I are really,” I winced as I said the last bit, “in love.”

“I’ll bet,” she snapped then flicked her blond hair over her shoulder and strutted down the hallway.

I let out a sigh and turned my eyes back to the contents of my locker. Staring at my textbooks blankly, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was doing the right thing by even going to the party with Jace. It was no secret that we weren’t exactly the ‘joined-at-the-hip’ type of couple but it was a secret that we were only fake-dating. So having Beth, the vilest witch of Chesterville, sniffing around was making me slightly uneasy and nauseas.

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