Chapter Twenty Six-Besties forever

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Everything was back to normal.

At least, it seemed that way. Jace and I were fake-dating, once again. Insert a sigh and a deflated ego. Eliza and Will had seemed to have made up-thank God. I don’t think I could have stood another detailed discussion about their sexual lives. Honestly speaking, the more she spoke about it, the more she made sex seem disgusting. I suppose Dad doesn’t have to worry about a teen pregnancy for a while.

And lastly, the Best Couple competition was almost over. I’m not sure how I was feeling about it. After all, I had spent a few months with Jace, parading around as his girlfriend and learning about his darkest secrets, not to mention that I was threatened by a henchman who worked for Jace’s former drug dealer. There really was no guidebook which told a girl how to handle her emotions when it came to my particular situation.

The logical part of me was telling me to gather as much money possible and to flee the country. Of course, an almost eighteen-year-old would be viewed suspiciously-especially one of my stature and height-at the airport with a cat carrier. So escaping really wasn’t an option. The next best plan was to end things as soon as I wiped the floor with Beth’s face when I won that competition. Yet, the less logical and more emotional part of me felt pained at the thought.

I didn’t want to end things with Jace, despite how messy it had become.

But I didn’t want to ruin things with Jace. Not when everything seemed so much easier between us. There were still secrets which Jace kept, but unlike before, I finally found that I could respect his privacy. I didn’t need to know about his haunted past to know what kind of guy he was. As much as I hated how much of a sap it made me sound, Jace really did seem perfect.

There it is. Yeah, the throw-up feeling in my throat. Really not good. This is why I try an avoid boyfriends. Not that Jace and I are actually dating, but still, it’s the thought that counts. And besides, I’m fighting for independence. Who needs a man these days anyway? Not me! I have my cat and my clothes and not much more, actually. Okay, so maybe I don’t have much, but still, it doesn’t mean that I need a guy.

But obviously, fate had another idea. Seriously, I think the girl is just messing with me for fun sometimes.

The Best Couple competition was drawing to a close. With only the dance left, Mrs Davis decided that it would be best for the contestants to bond in a group building activity over the weekend, two weeks before the Valentine’s Dance. It wasn’t a new idea. In fact, the tradition had started soon after the competition began and every year, the group building exercise was different.

One year, the couples were taken to a mountain spa, just outside of town. They were allowed to ski and visit the sauna. Let’s just say that some teachers were less than pleased at the late night sounds which emanated from the wooden shed. After the incident with the sauna, the school decided that it would be better if students were not taken to any place that offered more than a few luxuries.

Mrs Davis seemed to honour that policy perfectly.

“After much deliberation, the school board and I have come up with the perfect location for the group-bonding,” Mrs Davis announced. She rolled her eyes. “And by that I mean that it’s the only place the school’s budget will pay for.”

Beth groaned. “Couldn’t the school have gotten sponsorships?”

Mrs Davis’ smile tightened. “Yes, Beth. An excellent idea. However, many companies thought that sponsoring for a paid vacation was rather wasteful.”

“My father could have gotten us a trip to Paris,” Beth replied.

“Of course,” Mrs Davis answered. Ignoring the scowl on Beth’s lips, she turned back towards the contestants. “This year, we will be going on a camping trip.”

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