Bonus Chapter: Jace's POV #3

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Jace’s POV

I was kissing Marilyn Jenson. In the rain. It must have been the camping. I couldn’t explain why I hadn’t told her to back off or reminded her that what was between us was fake. It had to be a pretend thing. So why was I kissing her back? I knew the answer, but I didn’t want to accept it. Not because I didn’t understand my feelings, but because I knew that no good would come out of it. I was wanted. By a drug dealer.

But I was still kissing her.

Her lips tasted sweet, like she had been eating chocolate before. I almost grinned. It must have been the snacks she kept going on about. I was perplexed at the amount of food she brought. It seemed that she was going to feed an army, not her short self. I was pulled away from my thoughts when the kiss ended. My eyes opened, and I stared at Marilyn. She didn’t meet my eyes.

“Is something the matter?” I asked.

She shook her head. “It’s just,” she began then paused. Her eyes lifted to meet mine. It was hard to make out her face through the rain. “Is this just part of the deal?”

I frowned in thought. The question was blunt. Was this all part of the deal? It had to be. At least that was what I had been telling myself for the past few weeks. It was all a deal. I couldn’t afford anything more than that. It would be dangerous, for Marilyn especially. Martin was vicious that way. He went after everyone around me. Including Laura. I blinked. The thoughts faded as my vision was filled by Marilyn. She was staring at me expectantly.

“Truthfully?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t be asking if I didn’t want the truth,” she murmured.

The rain was cold against my skin. I shivered slightly.

“It wasn’t part of the deal,” I answered. Then, I leaned closer. “Neither is this.”

Logic was shoved at the back of my mind as I pressed my mouth on Marilyn’s. It was different from the previous kiss. Rougher, harder. But I was done worrying about everything outside us. I didn’t want to think about Martin and the drugs and the ominous threat was about to explode. All I wanted to think about was Marilyn Jenson.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, drawing her closer. She was as cold as me, yet the closer I pulled her in, the warmer I became. It was a new feeling for me. Something I hadn’t quite experienced before. It scared me and thrilled me. The way a girl would squeal whenever she fell in love. Shit. Was I becoming a girl?

Marilyn’s warm breath entered past my lips. It was a pleasant contrast to the iciness in the rain. Her lips followed the movement of my own, ferocious and wild. I tightened my grip around her. She was so frail in my arms. Tiny. I was making a huge mistake. Martin would definitely target her. But I couldn’t stop kissing her. I didn’t want to stop.

I drew away, catching my breath. Marilyn’s eyes were half-closed. Another shiver ran down my spine. It brought me back to my senses. It was raining and we were standing in the middle of the campsite. People would be wondering where we were.

“We should be getting inside,” I explained. My fingers smoothed her hair. It was tangled under my skin. “It’s raining. And not that I don’t like this or anything, but I’m kind of freezing my ass off.”

Opening her mouth to reply, Marilyn stopped then nodded. I raised an eyebrow.

“Speechless huh?” I asked. I couldn’t stop a smirk. “Yeah, well I do have that effect on women.”

It seemed to bring her out of her silence. She scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself.” Marilyn punched the side of my shoulder. “I just didn’t have anything good to say about the kiss.”

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