Chapter Eleven-Drinking always leads to kissing...or that's what they say

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Chapter Eleven

In most cliché stories, something would have happened already between Jace and me.

We would have hugged or went out on a real date and maybe even kissed and cuddled under the stars. And then we would have probably ended up making things official-well to us-and let everyone believe that we were always in love from the very beginning. The only problem was the fact that my life wasn’t those cliché stories that I still couldn’t stop reading or watching in a badly made teen-drama movie.

My life was real.

I had bad hair-the curliest hair you’d ever see. It never really obeyed gravity and if Newton saw me now, he’d probably rethink his whole gravitational law. It frizzed whenever it had the chance and in its dark hue, you could easily believe that it was part of the mane for some grotesque monster. If it wasn’t for my fine and dandy hair straightener-I had begged Dad to get me one for Christmas-then my hair would have been tied up and hidden under a beanie that was permanently glued to my scalp.

Unlike the main girl that everyone was compelled to feel pity for, I wasn’t really that skinny under all my weird and wonderful-read odd-clothes. Sure I wasn’t bordering on the line for ‘The Biggest Loser’ but I was no Bethany Willows. She had curves in all the right places and I had curves-well, I had curves in places where curve shouldn’t have been. Some days I was able to pat my belly with relish cooing over the non-existent baby that was growing within in and other days my belly was just like the non-existent baby, obeying my wishes and staying as flat as it could be.

My height was a huge factor to playing a role in my non-cliché life. It wasn’t as though I hated being short-really-but there were times that I felt inferior to others around me just because I was not at their level-literally, not figuratively. There were days where I’d be pushed aside just because no one would be able to make out my face in the crowd and there were those rare times when I’d be cut out of a conversation just because I had been blocked from view and mistaken for have left. In simple terms-I was ignored whenever the giants arrived.

It was because of these factors-and the added bonus of not being all that popular-that made it impossible for my life to suddenly look up just because I was now ‘dating’ the school’s most mysterious bad boy. Jace Collins was popular enough and if that wasn’t enough to get him by then his looks were. Which girl honestly didn’t fall for the dark, mysterious guy with hair so black it would make the night sky envious? Which girl didn’t like a guy with so many secrets that you would have a field day trying to guess them all?

That ‘girl’ would be me.

Don’t get me wrong. I was the type of girl who enjoyed figuring out people, but that only lasted for so long. And after being shut down by Jace yet again, I was beginning to wonder just who he really was. Sitting at the Joint next to Jace as he watched a new band take over the old, I pondered over the fact of why Jace had left Chesterville to begin with. And even more increasingly so, I questioned who Laura was.

I questioned these thoughts so much that after a few minutes, everything was becoming muddled and my temples began to hurt.

“Are you alright?” Jace asked.

Almost instantly I snapped out of the oncoming headache and turned my brown eyes onto Jace. His face was filled with concern but his grey orbs seemed distracted as he watched me silently. I could have sworn that everyone had suddenly disappeared because in that moment, it was silent-well silent to me-as I sat opposite Jace, watching him watching me.

“I’m fine,” I replied, hating how my voice came out croaky.

“You sound like you’re getting a cold,” he responded then leaned closer, “are you sure you’re okay?”

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