Chapter Five-He's a sweet bad boy

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*Don't you just love the song to the right?*

~Fact#3 Eating cheese before going to bed helps to stave off insomnia~

Chapter Five

I was sweating like a pig.

Not that pigs sweat, and if they do I don't think that they'd be sweating for the same reasons that I was. My hair and sloppy bangs were literally sticking to my forehead, that's just how much I was sweating. And why are you sweating Marilyn Jenson, girl who is short with big hair, sweaty skin and slightly small feet? Well that was an easy answer, an answer so easy you could compare it to a girl who is easy by standards of boy society.

Sitting in a room surrounded by squeamish girls-and I do mean that literally-I was contemplating my choice of taking on head of witches, Bethany Willows in this silly bet whereby I had to win the 'Best Couple' title with Jace also known as my 'boyfriend'. I mean, sure it would feel really good to beat Beth at her own game of scheming and manipulative ways but was I really cut up for that sort of thing? Was I not just lowering myself-no pun intended considering my height-to her level?

"Okay girls," Mrs Davis called out with a smile that could only be described as forced, "it's time for the quiz."

A few girls seated in the far corner of the room looked like they were about to pass out but I wouldn't blame them. What they looked like, I felt although I wasn't so sure that they were about to pass out from nervousness or from the fact that they were rumoured to have been partying all night and of course woken up this morning in the yard of Melanie Nicholson's house after some excess beer had been found by them.

"As you all know," Mrs Davis continued, her eyes lingering on me like a guilt-trip just waiting to happen, "if you get the least amount of questions right then automatically you and your significant other will be disqualified."

Beth who sat confidently at the front of the room rolled her eyes and smirked to her best friends or cohorts shall I say. Jane Avery and Carly Jacobs were both best friends for life with Beth ever since the dawn of time or well, what I assumed since they became popular and discovered boys. Carly just like Beth was something out of a witch's tale. She had the blonde highlights and dark chestnut tresses almost as though she wanted to be a direct clone to Beth and her boyfriend sadly had nothing upstairs-if you get my drift.

Jane however, was actually nice. God I think I just gagged thinking that. Yes, I will suppress the urge to throw up and repeat it-Jane Avery was nice. The brunette haired girl was best friends with Beth, but everyone who was anyone-and I did actually fall into the anyone category-knew that Jane was never as pretty as she was now. In fact, she was bullied for most of her life as a pre-teen and then her parents moved her to Chesterville where she went through a makeover, got more confident and suddenly became best friends with a witch.

Jane's boyfriend, Lance Stone, was indeed hot. Not as hot as Brett or Jace hot but hot enough to get girls sighing whenever he passed them hot. And like before, I gag slightly when I say it-Lance was nice too. I don't understand why they hung out with the Beth crowd, but I reasoned that popular people spent their time with other popular people and were popular together like it was some kind of virus-no that's the wrong word-it was some kind of trend that you would catch if you spent time with popularity.

But I digress.

"And if I catch any of you faking," Mrs Davis threatened, now full on giving me a stern look, "you will be dealt with by the school body."

I shuddered-yeah literally shuddered in my seat that was too hot and uncomfortable for my slightly sweaty self. Gross, it sounds as though I'm a horny teenager who needed to release her pent up energy of passion and other lust-filled thoughts that didn't harbour in my brain whatsoever. Nope, not at all... God why did Beth have to steal Brett all those years ago...

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