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"Angeline, please go check on the subjects in lab '304' again

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"Angeline, please go check on the subjects in lab '304' again. We've  been getting some weird signaling  from number 8" Jungkook says as he stares at me with puppy eyes, not wanting to check himself. "Fine, but you have to check later on" I say before he flashes me a smile and continues to jot down information on his clipboard. 

Jungkook is my lab partner, he and I had been working together under the governments secret intelligence department for about 3 years now. No one really knew that a "secret Intelligence" department existed, even though we're  living underneath a dome with flying cars, elevated roads, and robotic assistance. Let's not forget the existence of  aliens, but they live in another dome.

Our job as SI/secret intelligence, is to keep the citizens  from having  panic attacks if anything in the system is  malfunctioning. We'd just fix the technical problems so nothing  causes another apocalypse. Right now, the huge threat in our system is  our AI systems receiving a virus from some unknown database. We have no idea where the virus came from, but it's there. Jungkook was only able to trace it back from ArcSeven, which is the world outside of our dome, 'Lividdome'. If anyone were to find a way to leave Lividdome and reach Arcseven, they would die from the contaminated air. That's if the guards didn't already find them and kill them, whoever they might be. So to cut things straight, there's just no way anyone could have left and found some old technology to corrupt  the system with.

"Colleague JK, I have made it inside of lab 304, the subject appears to be fine. There are no signs of  uncontrollable joint movements, nor does its eyes appear to be open" After i finish informing jungkook, i make my way over to the clip table so i could mark off my observation.  The subjects weren't exactly robots...but something more. They were experiments, robot, alien, humanoids...

" Alrght, subject 8 has no erratic joint movements. Subject 1 is also fine......subject 10.."   

   Peeling my eyes off of the clipboard, I look up towards subject 10s tube. Its eyes were open, glowing as bright as they could . How did I miss this one? It's eyes were glued to mine, looking directly at my if it saw something that it wanted to take. Taking a few steps back I bump into the clip table, knocking some important note onto the floor. My first instincts were to pick them up and jot down the weird behavior of subject 10, but that quickly changed.  

A loud thump was heard before the sound of cracking followed right behind it. Standing up from picking up the papers that were on the ground, I found myself wobbling in my heels for the first time. Glass shatters everywhere and liquid pours out onto everything in the room. Subject 8 had broken out of its tube.   "STAY BACK!"

I yell, holding up my talkie, alerting jungkook to call the force


"What?" I question before backing up into the wall as it approached with red glowing eyes. "What's taking them so long to get here? I'm gong to die in here!" Tears ran down my cheeks as the subject's hand had risen, ready to strike but it  quickly flew and hit the wall. Subject 10 was now out, attacking subject 8. I push my self towards the corner In the room, hiding and still waiting for the force to show up. However,, it wasn't too long before subject 10 found me. My eyes quickly trace back to button across the room, but there was no need for that.

Its hand caressed my face before its lips came in contact with mine. That's when the door flew open and subject 10 moved away from me. The force had their guns aimed at subject 10, ready to annihilate, but I jumped in front of it. " NO WAIT!"

I say, holding my hands out. " It saved me!" Namjoon, the head of the force stepped inside, moving in front of the rest, as well as jungkook. " Lower your guns..." Namjoon stares at the dismembered subject before stating at subject 10 and eventually covering his eyes. " Someone get him some clothes...PLEASE!"  He says before one of the members quickly ran out to retrieve  something for it to wear.

"Min-proxy?"  Jungkook says, tilting his head as he stared at the subject that was standing across  the room.

Min-Proxy: Wired (P.Jm) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now