Part 1 :Rayne

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This is a story about Blaze's 5 sisters and their rescuers the Steven's Team. They are an Academy team of 5 guys. If you want to read Blaze 's story it is called "Can You Help Me?" Which is intertwined with my other story "Can You Teach Me?".

Part 1

Rayne & Boston @ 1am

Rayne's POV

Once the large group of boys and one small girl, with a hippy name like us, that my brother hugged like another one of his sisters had left, Blaze spoke shortly with the last two of that group. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful they were all so involved with our rescue. I just don't like feeling like I owe anybody anything.

Just looking at Boston was making my insides flip and clench. Back at my captors house, when Boston got my chains off, he kissed me, hard. I loved it, of course, but I was offended that he was kissing me just moments after laying eyes on me. Who gave him the right to plant his soft, warm, perfect lips on mine?

He told me "even as a prisoner, you look sexy as hell!" I have two conflicting emotions in my brain at the same time. I did what any sane girl does. I slapped him on the face. I saw in that moment, a flash of hurt in his eyes. Here he was, risking his life to save mine and I up and slapped him. What is wrong with me? Oh right, I was angry from being drugged, abducted and stripped to my underwear.

"How dare you kiss me without my consent!" I whisper yelled before I grabbed him hard around the back of the head and planted my own fierce kiss on his lips. "That is for rescuing me." Then I kissed him again, without the anger. "And that was for the compliment." I winked and smiled at him my best seductive smile.

I was now sitting curled up in his lap on my brother's couch. His body was solid muscle and I wanted to inspect every inch of it. Damn it! Why am I so turned on by a stranger? And sitting in that stranger's lap?

I felt safe with Boston. When we were in the van with the doctor on our way back home, I protested my need for a doctor. My exact words were, "I'm fine! I don't need a doctor. I just need to beat the shit out of the guys who took us!"

Showing me his perfect strength, Boston put restraining hands on my wrists. Then in a super sexy voice he purred, "Hot stuff, just let him take a look. If you need to release your anger, I'll help you out when we get out of the car." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I almost straddled him right then and there, ready to release my anger in the best way possible. He called me "hot stuff" and I liked the way it sounded coming from his mouth. Instead I grumbled, "Fine! But make it snappy." I folded my arms over my chest just to keep from reaching out and touching any part of Boston.

Blaze said goodbye to those last two guys, the doctor and the stern looking one. "Good night and thank you again. We will have to have you all over when the girls get back from college again. What is that 3 weeks?" Blaze asked me.

"Yep. 3 weeks and our finals are over. Then we have 6 weeks off of school." I said that last part while smiling at Boston. I saw his eyes darken and his grip on me tightened just slightly.

"Where are you going to school?" Boston asked curiously.

"South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina."

"How far of a drive is it?" Boston questioned.

"Hour and a half. It's 70 miles."

"That's not too bad. I guess. Please tell me you are almost done." He almost pleaded with me.

"I finish in May." I said happily. He growled. "Excuse me? Did you just growl at me?"

"How often do you come home?" Boston tried to change the subject.

"Just holidays."

Boston leaned in close to my ear, letting his lips and teeth graze my ear. "Can I come visit you sometimes?" He gently placed a kiss just under my ear.

"Uh huh." I responded so eloquently. Come on brain, form a real response. "Yes, maybe in February after I am back at school for my last semester."

"Not during the next 3 weeks?" He wondered out loud.

"No, I have finals coming up and I need to stay focused. We can talk on the phone or set up time to see each other over my 6 weeks home."

"I will hold you to that. What is your number?" Boston asked as he took out his phone to put my number in.

I gave him my number and saw my sisters must be having similar conversations because all of our rescuers were putting numbers in their phones.

"When do you need to go back?" Boston asked me, placing another kiss on my neck.

"We are already supposed to be back. We have class later today. But since we were just abducted and rescued, I think we are allowed one extra day off."

"I hate to say this, but we should let you girls go to bed so you can drive safely back later today." He sighed. It was so cute, my heart melted.

"What if I don't want you to leave? I don't know if I could sleep tonight after what I've been through."

"I will stay until you ask me to leave, Hot Stuff." He sat back getting comfortable. I rested my head on his shoulder, staying curled in his lap. His arms firmly around my legs and waist.

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