Part 18: I Stink!

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Echo & Nash - Satudray Dec. 7th

Echo's POV

The hot spring was fabulous. I wish I had come here more often, but I have only been here once before. The hike back out wasn't bad except when the water evaporated off our skin there was a sulfur smell coming off of us. At first I just thought there might be a skunk or some other bad smell, like rotten eggs, we kept passing.

I lifted my arm and smelled the crook of my elbow as we got back to the SUV. "Yuck!" I need another shower! I stink!"

Nash lifted my hair and smelled it, "you might have to follow the directions on the shampoo bottle. Lather, rinse, repeat." He laughed at his own joke and I rolled my eyes.

"I definitely will. I don't want to smell like rotten eggs for the next week." That kind of smell lingers, no matter how many times you wash.

"If you need my skilled washing services, I will take one for the team and wash your hair for you." Nash wiggled his eyebrows at me. Did he really just offer to wash my hair? How does he plan on doing that?

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm sure I can manage." Says the shy 19 year old virgin. What Nash offered sounds like playing with fire. I don't know how far I am willing to go with him.

"Then how about you wash my hair for me?" He asked in a teasing way. Mmmm, I could run my fingers through his blonde locks forever.

"NASH!" I tried to sound appalled, but lost my composure and giggled. Just imagining his hair all sudsy as we stand in the shower together... Get a grip Echo!

"We can wear the stinky swimsuits we were just wearing so we can wash the smell out of them too." Nash offered. His eyebrows up in a questioning way. But his offer sounds intriguing. And I wouldn't have to be naked in front of him.

"You are a dirty boy, aren't you?" My mind is the dirty thing right now, but I don't want him knowing where my thoughts are.

"Dirty boys need to be cleaned properly." He slyly teased, then kissed my cheek. I blushed crimson. We were in the back of the SUV and Willow was giving me a knowing smirk as she just heard the last of our conversation. She doesn't seem to be trying to stop me, but I wouldn't put it past her to give me a lecture later on. That whole teacher mentality always breaks through.

"We'll see. Let's get back to the apartment before I decide." Willow nodded her head at my response. Little did she know, I am planning On having a private decision about this subject with Nash very soon. I am a grown up now and whatever I do is my decision, not my sisters. They have their own men and relationships to worry about.

I look over at Nash, run my finger over his hand, then pull it into my lap. I turn his hand palm up and trace out letters with my finger.


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