Part 22 Hippy-Dippy

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Breezy & Thayne

Sunday Dec. 8th

Thayne's POV

I had shown up early this Sunday morning to pick Blaze up for breakfast. After ringing his doorbell like we always do in the Academy, randomly, he finally answered with his hair all a mess and wearing only his boxers.

"I'm here to pick you up for breakfast. Cannon wants to have a meeting this morning."

"Um...okay. Give me a minute. I need to go let my wife know where I'm going, and put on some pants." He said while looking down at his boxers.

"Pants would be good." I told him with a chuckle as I stepped into the house. I sat on the couch , waiting patiently in the quiet house for him to come back out of his bedroom. Neither of the girls were up. I was a little disappointed to not get to see Breezy this bright and early morning. I don't think going into her bedroom to say good morning would win me any points with Blaze, and it might piss Breezy off too. I chuckled to myself at the thought of Breezy throwing a shoe or a lamp at me for waking her so early on a Sunday.

"I'm good." Blaze announced. I stood up and went out the front door, Blaze following behind me.

I drove us to Bob's diner. Uncle, as he likes to be called, really does make the best food and we don't have to worry too much about the wait staff because most of them are Academy members too.

"This place is kind of far from my house. We passed a bunch of other diners on the way here." Blaze noted as we entered the diner. Only a few tables had patrons. For one it was 7:30 in the morning and for another it was Sunday. Most people were either sleeping in or if they were up it was because they were getting ready for Sunday services.

I led us over to the table Cannon was already at and sat down. "Good morning Blaze. I wanted to talk to you about your adoption process into our Academy family."

"Oh, okay." Blaze looked between the two of us and he looked worried. I wanted to laugh at him, but I remembered what it felt like being brought in. There was so much secrecy about it all it makes you feel a bit paranoid until you realize the secrecy is to keep it's members safe.

The waiter came and took our orders of omelets and breakfast platters. One thing can be said for Uncle's establishment, the amount of food you get for the price you pay is phenomenal. His diner should exist for a long time with food and service this good.

I tuned back in from my thoughts as Cannon got to the point of this meeting, "the main reason I wanted to talk to you is because of your family relationships."

"What exactly are you getting at Cannon?" Blaze demanded.

"Well, there are six siblings, and yet not one of you looks like the other. We need to know before the Academy goes digging, are you all really related?" Cannon asked.

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