Part 21 Communication is Key

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Part 21: Communication is Key

Blaze & Tenley

Sunday Dec. 8th

Tenley's POV

I absolutely love Sunday mornings!  The one day in the week we get to sleep in and pretend we don't have a care in the world.  Monday through Friday I am always swamped with work and when I am not working I am doing research.  On Saturday, we play catch up with the house work, both inside and out.  

When we first bought the house, we tried to sleep in on Saturdays, but we found that we wasted the whole day getting the work done.  So we decided that Saturdays we would get up by 7am and get started on the mowing and outside the house chores before it got hot and then come inside to do inside the house chores and laundry.  As long as it all got done on Saturday, we had Sunday to be free.

Today was supposed to be one of those free Sunday's.  But at 6:30am there was a ringing of our doorbell.  And I don't mean ding-dong, wait two minutes the ding-dong again.  I mean ding-dong ding-dong ding-dong, wait five seconds ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-dong, wait two seconds diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing-dong.

"You better go get that, because I mint break their finger off if that doorbell sounds again!"  I sneered at Blaze.

He climbed out of bed, chuckling as he made his way to the front door.  "I'M COMING!  DON'T RING IT AGAIN!"  He yelled once he was in the hall.

I pulled the pillow out from under my head and covered my face with it.  It is too early to deal with people.  I could faintly hear Blaze talking and laughing with someone distinctly male.  It must be one of his friends.  Good, I can go back to sleep and he can deal with them.

I had just dozed back to sleep when the pillow was pulled from my face.  I squinted through barely opened eyes at my husband's happily beaming face.  "Do you mind if I go out to breakfast with the guys?"

"GO!  Leave me to sleep!"  I griped. 

"I love you Tenley!  When I get back, we have a little late morning delight!"  I rolled my eyes and pulled the pillow over my face again.  Blaze laughed and kissed the top of my head.  "Sleep well."  He said before leaving me to my slumber.

When I was awoken again, it was Breezy knocking on my door.  "Tenley, can I come in?"  Ugh, what is with everyone today?  Why won't they let me sleep?  But I looked at the clock and saw it was already 9am.

"Come in Breezy."  I called and sat up against the headboard of my bed.

The door opened and Breezy entered with a shy look and questions clearly on her face.  I pat the bed next to me twice.  "Can I ask you something...kind of personal?"

"Of course.  Whatever you want to know."

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