Part 3 : Echo

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Part 3

Echo & Nash - Monday Dec. 2nd @ 8am

Echo's POV

I woke up feeling someone next to me. I thought maybe Breezy had climbed in bed with me again. But then I felt that my hand was on a distinctly male arm. I peeked my eye open to see blue eyes just staring at my face. That's when I remembered I invited a sexy guy into my bed last night. A complete stranger really. What do I even know about him? He is the most beautiful guy I have ever laid eyes on and he rescued me. Good enough, right?

"Good morning, Sexy."

I looked over my shoulder to see which of my sisters Nash was talking to.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I was just checking who you were talking to."

Nash cupped the side of my head, "you, silly! I was calling you Sexy. Do you not like that as a nickname? I can change it to something else like schmoopie, or cutie pie if you would prefer."

"I think I like Sexy better. I just don't think of myself as sexy. Star, yes. Rayne, absolutely. But me?"

"I have to confess to you. When I got to see your picture that your brother gave to us, I was caught. Hook, line and sinker."

"What?" I asked with a smile on my face. Never has a guy fallen for me just by looking at my picture.

"That's right. I knew I needed to do what I could to save you. My heart couldn't have taken something happening to you. Are you really ok? Those cartel guys didn't hurt you in any way did they?" He was pulling my arms away from my body, looking everywhere he could see. His hands fretting over my sides and head and back.

I laughed at how he was acting. "I am good. No, they didn't hurt me. Besides, We had already made a plan to fight them if need be."

"Who was going to fight the cartel? And with what?"

"My sisters and I. Although, Star and Rayne wanted Breezy and I to stay out of it. Had someone tried to do something to one of my sisters, there wouldn't have been anything that would have stopped me from fighting like a freaking ninja!"

Nash was smiling at me. He has the best jaw that is accentuated by his smile. And the blonde hair with his beautiful blue eyes make me want to check myself for drool.

"May I kiss you Echo?" Nash had his hand on the small of my back. He was slowly pulling me toward him. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice in the moment.

Nash leaned in slowly, keeping eye contact with me until he was so close I couldn't look at him anymore. I closed my eyes as his perfect, warm, firm lips pressed sweetly against mine. Goose bumps covered my arms and legs and sparks flew throughout my body.

I inhaled deeply through my nose as our mouths moved together in a beautiful dance. Nash smelled of dark chocolate and musk. The scents blended well together. I wasn't sure if I should lick him or snuggle into him. Maybe both!

His hands gently moved over my hips and back in a sweet caress. Feeling brave for the moment, I ran my tongue along his lower lip, just to get a little taste. Nash's grip on me tightened around my waist. He tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss. Our tongues aggressively fighting for dominance. His hand trailed down my body until he hooked my leg up over his hip.

I rolled onto my back pulling Nash's upper body with me. He kept himself from laying completely on top of me. Only his upper half. Our lower halves were still in the same position. Nash began kissing my jaw and down my neck. "Echo, you are in control. Tell me when to stop." He mumbled.

I was loving the feel of his mouth on my body. I think I could lay back and let his mouth lavish every inch of my body in his sweet kisses. I hear movement outside the bedroom door and tapped his arm. He stopped kissing me and I lowered my leg off of him. Star opened the door, "if you're up, come help with breakfast."

"Ungh!" I grumbled as I climbed out of my bed. Nash had the cutest smirk on his face. "Thank you for staying with me and making me feel safe last night."

"Anytime Sexy. Anytime."

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