Part 16 : Willow

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Willow & Ryder - Satudray Dec. 7th 8am

Willow's POV

As I was coming into consciousness from a restful sleep I realized I was warmly pressed up against a hard body. And by a hard body, I mean purely muscle. Without opening my eyes, I could feel his boring into my face. "Good morning Superstar." I croaked.

He chuckled, "I didn't mean to wake you Sweetness. I thought I had held still really well."

"It wasn't movement that woke me." I opened my eyes to continue, "It was your eyes."

"My eyes? They don't make noise." He chuckled some more, finding our conversation funny. I'm sure he thought I was out of it still and spouting gibberish.

"I could feel your ocean blues looking at me." I smiled at my descriptive words as I traced my finger over his eyebrows. My teaching professors would be proud that I am applying what they teach to real life.

"My ocean blues? Does that mean your eyes are milk chocolate? Mmmm yes.... I just answered my own question. And that fits. My girl, also known as Sweetness, has milk chocolate eyes." He squeezed me in a tighter hug.

"So am I officially your girl? I don't recall you asking me." I gave him that stern teacher look. The one that says You are in trouble.

He gave me a sheepish look in return, then asked, "will you, Willow Wade, do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" I giggled, it sounded like we are in middle school again.

"Yes, Ryder Glass, I will." He kissed me with a passion that left me wondering what my name is.

"I don't know that I like you being over an hour away from me. How many more years do you have in school?"

"Two and a half." I sighed. Maybe I can transfer down to Charleston next year if things continue on a real relationship path. I am not upending my life if this new relationship doesn't pan out. I have dated guys that expect me to make life plans around them. My philosophy is, if he loves me, I mean truly loves me, he will see the value in the decisions I make for myself and not pressure me to conform to his life.

"Shall we go make some breakfast? I know this is a cliche line do you like your eggs?"

I laughed. "I don't even know if we have eggs. But we definitely have yogurts, toast and cereal."

"Girly rabbit food? But you knew Nash and I were coming. You didn't stock your fridge with manly meats?" He was laughing again.

"You're a morning person aren't you?" I asked him

"Oh, I'm sorry. You aren't?"

"I like to ease myself into my mornings. But I did enjoy my wake up call this morning." I winked and climbed out of bed.

"Oh no you don't!" Ryder growled. I took off running with a giggle, he was right on my tail. In the hall, he caught me around the waist, lifted me up, and marched me into the kitchen. He set me on the counter, standing between my legs. "You give me a seductive wink and then hop out of bed? I think I need to teach you a lesson."

Ryder proved to be a Stud Muffin as he lavished me mouth, ears and neck with nips, kisses and little licks. Our lips moved in sync, tongues caressing when I heard my sister giggling. "What Echo?" I mumbled around Superstar's lips then continued kissing him.

"That's how fires get started." Nash commented. "How about we show you ladies how we throw down in the kitchen?" I stopped kissing Ryder and looked over as Boston opened the fridge, scanning our contents.

"Girly rabbit food?" He bellowed. "Hot Stuff, why don't you have better manly foods in here? What were you planning on feeding me this weekend?"

Rayne folded her arms over her chest, kicked her hip out in an annoyed stance and gave him a snarky response. "I wasn't PLANNING to feed you anything, Beau. I didn't invite you here, remember?"

He closed the fridge, raised an eyebrow at her and in a calm, almost eerie voice asked, "would you like me to leave?" The tension was thick in the air.

"Just make the damn breakfast! You already made the journey here, I might as well enjoy the time." Rayne sneered.

Why is she acting like this? She better not ruin mine and Echo's weekend.

"You guys figure out the breakfast situation while we three go pretty ourselves up and get all sweet and girly smelling." I offered, hopping down from the counter and grabbed Rayne's arm in a death grip.

"Why do I need to go? You know I don't do all that girly shit Willow!" Rayne argued with me.

"I'm glad you don't. I couldn't handle a woman that spent so much time doing that shit." Boston uttered from across the room as he dug food out of our cabinets.

Rayne turned back to Boston, "It really didn't bother you just now that I was being an ass?"

He stopped rooting around and husked, "I like a woman that's feisty. Feisty out here...spicy in there." Boston pointed toward the bedroom with a wolf grin.

"We'll be back in twenty minutes. Just going to fix ourselves for the day." Rayne purred at Boston then sashayed back to her room. Echo looked at me, breathed out a sigh of relief as she rolled her eyes. I looked at Boston and gave him a golf clap. He nodded his head in return.

I know what Echo was feeling. Why does Rayne always have to test a guy so early in a relationship? At least Boston passed this test. How many more would Rayne put him through?

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