Part 19 What Kind of Dessert?

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Star & Cannon - Satudray Dec. 7th 

Cannon's POV

"Hey Doc, it Cannon Stevens."

"Hello Cannon, and what might I do for you today?"

"I wanted to know how it has gone this last week with Star Wade working at the hospital?"

"She has done well with the patients.  She works hard.  She knows her stuff.  What are you wanting to know, exactly?"

"Even if it has to come from me as a personal favor, or multiple favors, I was wondering if she could just get hired on to work at our hospital full time?"

"And why would you be working to get her full time employment somewhere other than her current hospital?"

"The charge nurse is a total wench.  I just don't want to see someone like Ms. Sue, tear down Star's confidences when she has so much potential."

"Well, I cannot give her a job that she might not want.  Let me make her an offer and see if she will bite."

"Thanks.  Talk to you later."  I hung up the phone and entered the hospital Star normally works at.  I know she should be on her break now.  I wanted to surprise her by having lunch with her.

I went to her floor and the charge nurse, Ms. Sue was yelling at Star so loud that I could hear it from the double doors at the end of the hall.  I picked up my pace, not wanting her to be treated like that.

"Do you not know how to take orders Star?  I told you to start the IV line after you took the blood samples we needed!"

"I knew we could get the blood from the IV line and didn't want a four year old child to be a pincushion."  That sounded like intelligence to me.  I halted my progress about ten feet behind her.

"When I give an order, I expect it to be followed...not questioned!  Leave my sight, you are making me ill."  Sue flipped her hand at Star to dismiss her.

I stood there with my small bouquet of roses in one hand and lunch for two in the other.  When Star turned to face me, she had tears running down her face.  I dropped what I was holding and pulled her into my arms.  "Don't listen to her.  She is a crotchety, old hag."  I guided Star down the hall so we could leave this Godforsaken hell hole called a hospital.

"What are you doing here?"  She asked in disbelief.

"I came to woo you during your lunch break.  But Ms. Sue knows how to ruin a guys best laid plans."

"Woo me?"  Her eyebrows rose and she laughed.

"Should I have said charm the pants off of you?"  I smiled at her as she giggled.

"I think I like wooing better."  She looked around herself, "so you were just going to show up here and sweet talk me during lunch?"

"No!  I brought you..."  I looked down and realized I had dropped the food and flowers on the hallway floor.  "Well Damn!  Your flowers and lunch are on the floor back there now."  Again, she laughed.  "Does this hospital have a cafeteria?  And maybe a gift shop?"

"We can go eat in the cafeteria, but you are NOT buying anything from the gift shop.  For one, it is outrageously expensive.  And for two, the girl that works there will try to get her claws in you, and I am not prepared to beat her off right now."

I looked at her in confusion.  "What?"

"I don't have my stick!"  It was my turn to laugh.  "I wish I could just work at the other hospital.  Everyone there is so friendly.  Even the patients.  They might have an ailment or have been stabbed, and still...friendly."

"What if I told you I just was on the phone with Dr. Roberts and he said he is going to make you an offer for permanent employment there?"

"I would wonder if I got the job from my skills or because you somehow man handled Dr. Roberts, forcing him to hire me."

"It is all you, My Lady.  You proved your worth this last week.  Just know what you want to do when he calls and makes the offer."

"I will.  Thanks Good Sir."

"Good Sir?  Hmmm, I think I like that!"  I kissed her on the lips, a chaste kiss because of where we are, then quickly pulled away.  I know she doesn't like public displays.  "What's good here?"

"I like the salad the best, but the chicken sandwich isn't bad.  Stay away from the tuna though."  Then she whispered, "I think it could actually kill you."  I smiled at how cute she was.

We enjoyed our time together during her half hour lunch break.  That is simply too short when you have a twelve hour shift.  I make a plan in my head to pamper her with dinner and a back massage when she gets home tonight.

Now, what to make her for dinner.  I don't know if she has a grill at her apartment, but I can bring my little hibachi grill with me.  So steaks, salad, baked potatoes and maybe I can stop by Bob's diner for some dessert.  Uncle always makes the best desserts.

While I was picking up the dessert, Uncle was on the phone with someone giving them instructions on making something.  It must be one of his boys.

When I heard the ingredients I decided that is what I want.  I asked Uncle when he got off the phone what recipe he was giving because it sounded like something I would want to try. Uncle laughed, went into the kitchen, the returned with a take out white paper bag.

Uncle had a twinkle in his eye, "you sharing dessert with a girl?"

"Yes, her name is Star."  I responded.

"Well let her know this is just a special OIAB dessert I made this week.

"What Does OIAB stand for exactly."

"Orgasm in a Bowl."  He announced, then laughed like a crazy man, as he headed into the kitchen.

Oh yeah!  Tonight will definitely be good.

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