Part 9 : Echo (picture of Nash)

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Part 9

Echo & Nash Friday December 6 @ 5pm

Echo's POV

Rayne, Ryder, Boston and Nash came and found Willow and I on campus. When I saw Nash from across the courtyard I dashed toward him and jumped into his waiting arms. My arms and legs around his waist and neck. We were kissing each other hungrily and I didn't care who saw me. Boston and Ryder were laughing.

I finally stopped saying hello with my tongue and looked at the other guys. The were each holding my sisters around the shoulders. "They all greeted us the same way. Maybe we should do this more often." Boston chortled as Rayne punched him in the arm.

Willow just looked longingly into Ryder's eyes and they were quietly whispering to each other with their lips ghosting over each other's. I wanted to give them some privacy and not watch them, but you cannot help but watch two people who are head over heals in love. How in the world are they already in love? We haven't even had a first date yet!

Speaking of first dates, we are having ours tonight. But first we need to go home and get changed. Boston rode with Rayne in her car and the rest of us went in Ryder's car. Once we were at our apartment the guys did this weird surveillance thing. They were looking around in obscure places, for what... I'm not sure.

"So, do Ryder and Nash get to look over their shoulder for hidden boyfriends too?" Boston asked.

"He is NOT my boyfriend! Not anymore. It ended before I went home for the break. He's delusional, thinking I want him." Rayne tried to defend herself.

"It's ok Hot Stuff! Let's face it, you're sexy as hell! Who wouldn't want you?" Boston waggled his eyebrows at her and reached his hands around her waist to grab her ass.

"Eek!" She squealed then kissed him. I just shook my head at her. Then I looked at Nash to answer Boston's question. But I dropped my eyes to his chest as I answered.

"No, I do not have any hidden boyfriends." I answered almost shyly. Nash placed his finger under my chin and lifted my face to look at his.

"Good! Although, their loss is my gain." He embraced me in a tight hug with his face at my neck, lifted me up and began walking. "Which apartment?"

I told him the number since my back was the direction he was walking. I noticed that Ryder was carrying Willow bridal style and Rayne was riding piggy back on Boston. These guys are so fun and touchy feely. I just hope that my inexperience can keep Nash interested. I just turned 19 and he is 22. I have had boyfriends before, but Blaze usually scared them off before it got very serious, and I was not one for sleeping with a guy just to have sex.

So guess what? That's right! 19 year old virgin here! And how do I begin a relationship with Nash? By inviting him to sleep with me. Now, that was exactly what we did, we slept, but then I went and invited him up this weekend. What was I thinking? I am not ready to have sex with Nash. How am I to keep my Dream Guy interested when I won't 'seal the deal'? Ugh!

I think I need to talk to Star again. She always calms me down and gives me good advice. We got to the apartment, Nash kissed my neck and asked for the key. I reached in my bag and pulled out the key. Before I could put it in the door, Nash took it from me and opened it up. All the guys set us down and moved into our apartment in front of us. We looked at each other questioning what they were doing then entered the apartment.

They were looking in each room and moving through the apartment like a well trained spy team sweeping the apartment for hidden threats. Once they did their security thing, they all sat down on our couches.

"What exactly was that?" Willow questioned pointing around the apartment.

"We were just making sure your living space was safe." Ryder told Willow as he pulled her onto his lap.

"I'll be right back." I told them and went to my room. I grabbed my phone and went into my closet just to make sure the others cannot overhear me.

"Hey Echo!" Star chirped.

"Hi Star. I need to ask you for advice."


"I really like Nash but I am not ready for sex. I invited him up for the weekend, but what if he thinks that was my way of inviting him for sex? How do I keep him interested if I won't give him what he wants?"

"First off, take a deep breath." I did so she could hear me. "Good, now did he say that's why he came to visit?"

"No. It's just the way they are being touchy feely. You remember our growing up life Star. Mom and Dad's parties. When guys were that physical, they wanted one thing."

"Don't let how they chose to live their life taint yours Echo. My advice is to be open. Just say what you want or don't want. Don't hint around or expect him to pick up on non-verbal cues. That just leaves room for miscommunication, disappointment, anger and resentment."

"Thanks Star. I love you."

"Love you too, sis."

I got out of the closet and pulled out the clothes I already picked to wear on our first date. I had chosen black skinny jeans, a cream sequins sleeveless top with circle neck, a black blazer, cream colored ballet flats and a gold chunky bracelet. I left my hair down in loose curls. Like all my sisters, we only wear the basic makeup. A little mascara and lipstick.

I came back out to the living room and Nash quickly stood up. Then he uttered, "Gorgeous!" I smiled shyly at him. Willow went and put on a navy and cream flirty dress with a cream cardigan sweater and Rayne wore boot cut jeans, a green tank top and black blazer. Each of us wearing clothes that match our personalities.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked.

"First off, we are going bowling. Then we will go to dinner." Nash stated.

"But, we are having a friendly competition. We will keep couples scores and the teams that lose will buy dinner for the winning team." Ryder grinned cheekily.

"Let's go kick some ass Rayne!" Boston bellowed.

"You will eat our dust Boston." Ryder countered.

"You two keep going at each other all you want and watch Echo and I slide right into the winners circle." Nash teased.

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