Part 11 : Ryder

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Part 11

Willow & Ryder - Friday December 6 @ 6:30pm

Ryder's POV

At the bowling alley, we got the 'oh so fashionable' bowling shoes. We had told the girls to bring some socks since they all had on heels or dress flats. Willow looked really cute in her sexy dress and ugly bowling shoes. It made me smile how cute this was together. It showed me she is comfortable in whatever role she is in. Whether elementary school teacher, fun and playful sister, or drop dead gorgeous girlfriend, Willow can do it all.

We were sitting in the bowling lane seats when I asked, "Sweetness, Do you want to bowl first or second for our team?"

"I thought we all had to bowl our own game?" She questioned.

"We do, but I want you to play where you are happiest. So, first or second for our team?"

"I'll go first. That way if I bowl poorly, you can make up the difference." Willow quietly spoke.

"I don't think you could do anything poorly. You are the perfect woman." I stroked my fingers around the shell of her ear as I stared deeply into her beautiful milk chocolate eyes.

"Superstar, I am far from perfect." Willow giggled.

"How about you are perfect for me? You are the Yin to my Yang. You are the missing pieces to the puzzle of my life."

She sighed, leaning toward me and gave me a sweet kiss. "Should we go get our bowling balls now?" She asked.

I stood up and held my hand out to her. She placed her hand in mine and we walked to the wall of bowling balls to pick out which ball to use. Willow decided on the 10 lb ball. Echo and Rayne both got the 12 lb balls. Nash and I got 14lb. balls and Boston found one 16 lb. ball for himself. He has the size to handle it.

Back at lane 3, Boston started putting in information to set up our bowling order. "Willow will go first for us." I told him.

"Echo wants to go first too." Nash reported.

"Sounds good, the women first, then the men." Boston announced.

"Hey, I don't get a say?" Rayne asked. "I want to be second for our team."

Boston just looked at Rayne like she was doing it just to get him to fight with her. But he smiled a knowing smile and entered his name as the first bowler. Second was Willow, then Echo, followed by Rayne, then Me and finally Nash was last.

Boston was first up and got a strike. When it was Willow's turn I watched as she gracefully walked toward the bowling lane, swung her arm back and letting the momentum of her arm pendulum take over, she was swinging forward and released the ball. She knocked down 7 of the pins. When Sweetness turned around she had the biggest smile on her face.

When Willow took her second turn, she only hit one pin. She came over to me with a slightly pouty lower lip. "Why the frown? You did well."

"I wanted a strike too." She mumbled as she sat down. "We are going to be buying dinner aren't we?"

I laughed saying, "I don't care if I buy everyone dinner. As long as you are having a good time." She beamed at me.

Echo got 5 pins on her first turn. When Rayne stepped up. Boston hooted, "come on Hot Stuff! Let's win this!" Then to Boston's utter horror, Rayne got a gutter ball. "That was just a fluke, right Rayne?" Her second turn up she got another gutter ball. Boston put his hand over his eyes and grumbled to himself.

It was my turn. I got a split on my first bowl and only got one of the pins left on my second turn. Nash knocked down 9 pins his first bowl and picked up the spare on his second turn. We continued playing, sometimes making snide remarks to someone, taking digs at others and cheering when Boston got yet another strike. I think he can bowl a strike every time just due to sheer power.

He was a good match for Rayne. She was having a difficult time staying out of the gutter. Boston started teasing, "the next time you get a gutter ball, I'm going to kiss you." I think he was trying a little reverse psychology on her.

But she just threw it back at him. "What if that's what I want you to do? A promise like that makes me want to stay in the gutter all night." She winked at him. He groaned as she swished her hips walking past him to take her turn again. This time she knocked down 3 pins.

"I guess you didn't want a kiss from me that bad after all." Boston smirked but Rayne came over and straddled his lap and kissed him aggressively.

"I want you to kiss me whether I am good at this or not." Rayne told him.

Boston grabbed her ass and pulled her even closer to him. "Your wish is my command."

They were getting all hot and heavy in their kiss when I heard from behind me, "get a room!" I turned my head to find that idiot Chad again. This time he was with a group of 3 guys and they all had dates. Chad had his arm around his date with his hand on her boob. She was wearing a mini skirt that barely covered her ass and a low cut shirt that exposed the top of her cleavage.

To all of us guy's surprise it was Willow and Echo who jumped out of their seats and were in Chad's face before we could say a single word. "Don't you dare talk to my sister like that!" Willow yelled.

"Especially when you have a slut in hand." Echo joined in.

Nash and I were already moving around the chairs to get to the girls when I saw Chad's hand raise. Before I could lunge toward him he had slapped Echo across the face. It whipped her head to the side, he hit her with such force.

At that jackass move, the shit hit the fan! I heard a feral scream come from Rayne at the same time I heard a deep ferocious growl come from Nash. Boston yelled "fucker piece of shit" as he restrained Rayne. Nash tackled Chad, football style, and began throwing punches as he straddled Chad's chest, pinning his arms with his knees. I placed myself between Willow and Echo and the rest of Chad's entourage of friends, my hands up at the ready.

None of them made a move to interrupt Chad getting his ass handed to him. "Nash!" I commanded when I felt he had made his point. With that he abruptly stopped punching and got up. He went straight to Echo to check to see how badly she was hurt.

Boston handed everyone their shoes, keeping one hand firmly wrapped around Rayne's. We were not done with our game, but we were done being around these people. We handed our bowling shoes back at the counter.

The owner was there at the door. "I saw what happened. He deserved it and here is a voucher to come back another time on the house. I am tired of Chad's shit! He thinks he owns this town's college scene."

I extended my hand to shake his. "We are sorry to disturb your fine establishment with violence. We will try to keep from making that a regular occurrence."

"I don't doubt that you are fine upstanding gentlemen. You are welcome anytime. But maybe you can leave Chad behind next time." He chuckled.

"I think he followed me, sorry Dan." Rayne responded looking at the ground in shame.

"It this your new man? I can see why Chad went bat shit crazy! You are one big dude." Dan said to Boston.

"I'm her new Beau!" Boston proudly proclaimed with a tight hug around Rayne's shoulders. Nash and I just laughed since he looked like a Peacock, displaying his feathers.

"Let's go have dinner." I exclaimed.

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