Part 15 : Blaze

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Part 15 : Blaze

Blaze & Tenley - Friday Dec. 6th @ 11pm

Blaze's POV

Tenley and I were enjoying a night of just the two of us. I had made her dinner for just the two of us. It wasn't fancy. Just fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans, but it was something I made really well. One of the five meals I can make. Ha ha ha.

Two of my sisters came home with their 'dates' to talk, hangout, watch a movie, or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I liked the guys almost immediately, but it is a little hard to take when ALL of your sisters start dating a guy at the same time. And knowing that all of them have slept with the guy the first night they met is making my overprotective brotherly side come out. I don't think any of them had sex that night they were saved, but just knowing my sisters were so eager to invite a guy into their bed, so quickly, was disconcerting.

"Where did I go wrong in raising them?" I whined at my wife.

"They are big girls. They can and will make their own decisions. You didn't go wrong anywhere in helping to raise them. Your parent's influence, on the other hand, is a different story." I groaned remembering all to well the influence my parents left behind. "Besides, from what Breezy tells me, these guys are truly gentlemen."

"What do you mean?" My ears perked up. Breezy had talked to Tenley about Thayne and possibly the others? Why hadn't she talked to me? I have always had an open relationship with all my sisters. Even if I don't want to hear about it, I am always willing to listen. I might have gone and kicked a few asses after listening to my sisters, but I always listened first.

"Breezy said that Thayne opens doors for her. He always asks her about her day and comments on what she says. But he doesn't try to fix things. He has given her suggestions but leaves it at that. He asks her opinion on things too. And, even though a big brother doesn't want to hear about all the kissing and stuff his sisters are doing, Thayne has ONLY kissed her. He hasn't tried to touch her inappropriately or pushed her for sex. She said she knew he was a keeper when he treated her respectfully from the start, unlike the guys in high school who push for sex because they paid for dinner and a movie."

"I loathe the scumbags in my sister's schools. Where do they get the sense of entitlement to sex because they paid for a date? I just want to make heads roll when I hear that!" I was getting angry.

"That was how I knew you were the right one for me...." She placed her hand on top of mine and looked lovingly into my eyes. "You were the first guy to treat me right. To make me feel cherished and loved. And you were willing to go at my speed. I never felt pressured to do anything I didn't want to." I squeezed her hand.

"That's because I realized you were so far above my league that if I wanted any chance of winning your heart and then keeping it, I was going to have to up my game."

"I wasn't so far above your league. Why would you say that?" She asked me defensively.

"That was how I knew you were the one for me. I knew if I pushed you for anything, I would lose you. And it hurt my heart to think about losing you. When I saw you that first time, it was as if you were glowing as bright as the sun and the rest of the world dulled in comparison to you. I had to know who you were, what made you laugh, what caused that worry line to form between your eyebrows, and whether I was capable of living up to your standards."

"Why would you have put so much pressure on yourself? I wasn't holding you to a higher standard than any other guy I met." She countered.

"I think it is like you are saying now about Breezy. It's realizing there is something special about the other person and you just don't want to be the one to screw up." I laughed. "I married up, now I don't want to screw up!" I laughed again.

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