Part 12 : Thayne

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Part 12 : Thayne

Breezy & Thayne - Friday Dec. 6th @ 6:30pm

Thayne's POV

When we met up with Cannon and Star outside the Aquarium, I noticed that Cannon was holding Star's hand. That was progress for them. We went inside and Axel greeted us at the front. He handed us tickets then told us he would see us around.

"Who was that?" Star asked.

"He is a friend of ours. He works here." Cannon replied.

"What does he do?" Breezy questioned.

"I think he works with the sick and injured turtles and maybe some other stuff too." I answered.

"So, he's not a great friend if you don't know what he does really." Breezy stated.

"I don't know exactly what all he does, but he is still a friend. I don't need to know everything about him to know he is a good guy and would help me out if I needed it." I responded.

Being at the Aquarium at night is breathtaking. They turn on lights inside the tanks but out where people walk around the lights are dimmed. The colors of the fish are amazing. And being that close to a shark freaked Breezy out. Which gave me an opportunity to hold her close and whisper in her ear without being a creep.

Breezy pulled out her phone and asked Star to take our picture. We were in front of the sea turtles. I stood behind Breezy and wrapped my arms around her waist, then placed my face next to hers. Star took the picture then said, "one more! Ready..." I turned my head and kissed Breezy's cheek when Star took the picture. "Awe, you're so cute."

"I want to see!" Breezy chirped excitedly as she ran to Star to get her phone back. Cannon smiled and rolled his eyes, all at the same time, at me. I gave my biggest smile back at him.

Axel came out of the employees section, "Cannon, Thayne! Are you enjoying yourselves?"

"This place is phenomenal!" Breezy appraised.

"Cannon and Thayne told us you work with the sick and injured turtles. Are there many you care for?" Star asked.

"Right now I just have two. I would take you back to see them, but right now I need to get going. It seems I have a family issue to take care of right now." Axel told us.

"Don't let us keep you then." Cannon offered as he extended his hand toward Axel. They shook hands. "Thank you again," Cannon said and Axel left.

"You know, he reminds me a lot of the people I have seen at St. Frances hospital lately." Star commented.

"Who have you seen lately?" Cannon asked.

"Ah, I cannot tell you that. Patient's rights to privacy." Star smirked.

We continued to walk around until we had seen everything there was to see in the Aquarium. When we had just stepped outside, Breezy asked an older couple that was walking by if they would take a picture of all of us. Breezy quickly told them how to take the picture then came back to stand next to me. She and Star stood in the middle with Cannon and I on the ends. Our arms slung over our girls shoulders. Breezy put her arm around my waist. I think I heard the snap of a picture but wasn't sure.

"Don't you all look so sweet together." The old lady crooned.

"Eleanor, just take the damn picture." Her husband scolded.

"We once looked as happy as they do. So don't ruin a happy moment with your crotchety old attitude, Ed." She reprimanded him.

He grimaced a smile at us, "just you wait until they turn into her!" He said pointing at us and then his wife.

"Ignore him, I do! Now, show me the love..." I was afraid if I didn't show her the love she was going to start scolding me like she did her husband. I turned Breezy toward me, wrapped my arms around her waist, placed my forehead on hers and whispered, "you are the most beautiful girl, Luv. I wish I could hold you like this forever."

She went up on her tip toes and kissed me with a sweet chaste kiss. I savored the moment as it felt like only she and I existed at this moment.

"There! That's what magic looks like." Eleanor chorused.

"Can we go now Eleanor?" Ed begged.

"If you show me the love like they did, we can leave." She teased him.

He grumbled then took her in his arms, dipped her back and kissed her passionately. When he set her back on her feet she was all flushed. "Now that, my dear boys, is how you show the ladies the love." She handed Breezy back her phone and winked at Me and Cannon. Then she turned to Star, squeezed her hand and gave her advice. "Don't let the sins of the past taint your future. When he is touching you, your auras merge together in a bright pink. That means new love. When he is not touching you, both of your auras are murky. You need each other."

"That is enough Eleanor. You are going to make these young-ins think you are off your rocker." Ed gently pat her hand and escorted her toward the cars.

"Well that was weird!" I interjected to just clear some of the tension building in the air. "Where would you ladies like to eat dinner?"

"Anywhere, except Seafood." Breezy announced.

"Yea, Breezy is allergic to shellfish. So, unless we want to end our evening at the Emergency Room, no seafood." Star confirmed.

"What about P.F. Chang's?" Cannon suggested.

"Mmmm, I love that place!" Breezy exclaimed.

"P.F. Chang's it is! To the cars!" I snatched Breezy up on my back and galloped to my car. She was giggling. That was what I wanted to hear.

After we got in the car I asked if I could see the pictures Eleanor took. Breezy and I looked absolutely in love, while we shared a kiss. Cannon was kissing Star's hand, but it was the look in her eyes, the look that said she was afraid to let down her walls. He could either break her heart or show her more love than she ever thought possible. I sent this picture to myself so I could show Cannon later. He really deserves to find happiness after his last relationship ended the way it did.

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