Part 13 : Boston

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Part 13 : Boston

Rayne & Boston - Friday Dec. 6th @ 6:30pm

Boston's POV

That Goddamn motherfucker, bastard, piece of shit Chad thinks he can just show up to a public place and spew shit about Rayne without repercussions? And then he hits Echo to prove a point? Dickhead!

I know he is doing all of this to show Rayne that she is not of the same social stature as he is. How dare she break up with him. He is the socialite and no one breaks up with him. I have seen it all in the Charleston area before. Wealthy college age playboys that think they are above everyone else. Chad, or should I just start referring to him as Chickenshit? Yes, Chickenshit, might come from money, but that does not give him class.

Take Victor Morgan for instance. Now he is an example of class with stature. But Victor's father, stature without class. Maybe that is because Victor had the help of Owen Blackbourne to teach him and shape him from a young age. Owen was well aware of the high class society and just how evil someone of stature can be.

"Boston, you need to stop fuming. Nash already took care of the ass wipe." Ryder pulled me aside to speak to me before we got in the car.

"I know. I just want to hit him too. Why did Nash get to have all of the fun?" I was laughing as I climbed into the Durango. Nash and Echo got in the very back, Ryder and Willow were in the middle row and Rayne sat shotgun while I drove.

"Where do you beautiful ladies want to eat?" I was asking everyone but just looking at Rayne.

"What about Thai Orchid? It looks shady from the outside but the food is really good." Willow suggested.

"Mmm, sushi! Yes, let's go there." Rayne closed her eyes, leaned her head back as she said that.

"Thai Orchid it is!" I announced. With a reaction like Rayne just gave, I want to eat there. It sounds like she might have a foodgasm there. If she does, I want to be present to see it.

Rayne gave me directions. When we arrived I looked at Willow and asked, "really? You promise the food tastes good? Because I think you are accurate when you say this place looks shady."

"Oh, it's good!" Willow assured.

Echo held up her phone and pointed it toward me. "TripAdvisor rates it the #1 restaurant in Orangeburg, South Carolina."

"See, this is what makes you so fantastically wonderful. You don't just give him your opinion, you give him many people's opinions." Nash teased Echo and made loud kissing sounds against her neck.

I got out and opened the door behind me for Willow. Ryder had climbed out of the middle row seat and opened Rayne's door for her. Echo climbed over the middle row seat and out my side. I held my hand out to her so she didn't stumble getting out. Nash was right behind her. He had a Cheshire Cat grin on his face. "Did you get a nice view?" I asked him.

"You know I did." Nash responded.

We made our way into the restaurant and the waitress seated us in the corner booth. The girls gave us the rundown on what things were really good and what was so-so. We decided on a sushi platter for the table as an appetizer. It came out on this boat looking bamboo platter. There were 20 pieces of sushi on it from 3 different kinds of sushi.

"How do you want to split this up?" I asked.

"I don't eat sushi, so you each get 4." Echo answered me.

"Why didn't you say something? We could have picked somewhere else to eat." Nash wanted an answer.

"I don't mind eating here. The Red curry is really good! I just don't eat the sushi." Echo replied.

"Are you allergic?" Nash asked. You could tell he was Nervous about eating something that might cause Echo problems.

"No, I'm not the one allergic to seafood. Breezy is allergic to shellfish. But that is just gross to me. I don't like raw meats." She made a disgusted face that I wanted to laugh at.

"You guys can split it amongst the 4 of you." Nash offered.

"Why? You love sushi!" I boomed.

"I don't want her making that face at me." Nash pointed to Echo.

"It's really ok. You can eat it if you want. I just don't eat sushi." Echo encouraged.

Nash leaned in and whispered something to Echo and her face turned pink. I'll leave it be. "More for me. Your loss Nash."

We each had one of the three sushi options and then we got two more. I couldn't decide which two I liked best. We let Rayne and Willow decide first and took what was left over. By the time we finished the sushi, our dinner had arrived. Echo and Willow got the Red curry. Rayne and Nash got Pad Thai. Ryder and I got Yellow curry. The girls told us these were the three best dishes.

As we began eating, a young guy stepped up to the table cautiously. "Hi Willow! Did you have a nice Thanksgiving week?" He almost mumbled his words, his head bent down like he was shy.

"Zachary, hi! We had a good Thanksgiving, thank you for asking." Willow quickly replied.

"Are you guys new on campus? I haven't seen you around before." Zachary lifted his head a little more. Some of the shyness leaving.

"Hello! I'm Ryder, and these are my good friends Boston and Nash. We don't go to school here. We just came to see the Wade sisters." Ryder stuck out his hand to shake hands with Zachary.

"Oh, hi. I'm Zachary. I have class with Willow."

"Are you an Elementary Education major too?" Ryder asked with curiosity.

"Yes." He mumbled.

"That's great! What grade level do you want to teach?" Ryder continued the conversation.

"Um, probably 4th or 5th grade. But I guess whatever grade I can get a job in."

"The school system could use more teachers that are excited to teach and the young kids need more male influence that they currently have."

Zachary looked at Ryder like he was confused. Maybe he was trying to find where the jab at his career choice was in what Ryder said.

"It's nice to meet you Zachary." I spoke up. There was a bit of awkward silence going on.

"Oh, yea... Nice to meet you all too. Have a good meal." Zachary turned and walked to a group of girls.

"I thought you two said there wouldn't be any boyfriends coming out of the wood works." I teased.

"He's not a boyfriend." Willow slunk back in her seat.

Rayne giggled, "he has been working up the courage to talk to Willow for the last year and a half. This was the first time he actually said anything after approaching her."

"Really?" I asked Rayne, then turned to my brothers, "Are we losing our edge? It's like these guys don't see us as intimidating."

"Or maybe it is because we look happy, more approachable ourselves." Rayne suggested.

I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in to kiss her cheek. "I'm glad you look happy. Let's keep it that way, what do you say?"

"That can be your goal in life. To keep me looking happy!" Rayne laughed at her own comment and her sisters joined in.

We just rolled our eyes and smiled incredulously. We will have our work cut out for us.

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