Part 17 : Rayne

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Rayne & Boston - Satudray Dec. 7th

Rayne's POV

"Hey Beau, what do you think?" I asked while twirling in a circle. I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans, knee high brown boots, a turquoise short sleeve t-shirt with a round neckline, a brown motorcycle jacket, and turquoise blue gem stud earrings.

"Hot Stuff, you don't even need to ask. The answer is always... 'hot damn, fuck me! She is smokin' hot!' Do you want me to SHOW you what I think?" He grabbed me around the waist and plastered my body against his. I could FEEL exactly what he thought of me, pressing hard against my lower belly.

"Kiss me, Beau." I purred at him. His mouth was firm and possessive. There was nothing gentle, soft or squishy about him. To my surprise, kissing me was as far as he took it. He broke the kiss, breathing hard in my hair. Our bodies remained pressed tightly together.

"We need to eat, so you girls can show us around campus." Boston grumbled.

"I don't know if we should take you guys on campus again." Echo shyly claimed.

"She has a point. How many fights do you three want to get in this weekend?" I asked Boston. I had just noticed that there were eggs, bacon, and bagels. We didn't have those ingredients on our fridge. "You went to the store?"

"We told you we could throw down in the kitchen. What did you expect us to make with yogurt and bread?" Nash asked. "We need the manly meats!" Then he kissed Echo's cheek as he pulled her onto his lap at the table. "Do you ladies have a grill?"

"No, sorry." Echo pat his chest as she answered. He shrugged in response.

Ryder asked, "What do you girls want to do then if you don't show us around campus? Go hiking? To a movie? Find a hot spring? Go for a picnic? Stay here and play card games?"

"If we stay here and play card games, it is going to be strip poker. It is too nice outside to be stuck in here unless I get to see a naked Ray-Ray." Boston waggled his eyebrows at me.

"You had your chance for that last night but were too much of a gentleman to see the goods." I smirked at him. He growled low in his chest before kissing my neck. In a low grumble he whispered, "you do not treat a real woman like a one night stand. You take your time, savor every touch, explore every inch with your mouth and wait until she is begging for you." I shivered. His words promising pure pleasure.

"Let's hike to the hot springs and maybe we can go to a movie tonight." Willow suggested.

Ryder piped up, "Better pack a picnic lunch if we are hiking to the hot springs." Willow gleefully agreed. "So I guess you chose 'E. All of the above'?" He was running his fingers up and down her arms, in a perfect for Willow loving way. How do these guys know exactly how to treat each of us? It is uncanny.

"Well no, I didn't choose 'E. All of the above' because I didn't pick to stay in and play strip poker." Her eyes twinkled with humor at Ryder.

"Thank you for that, because the last thing we all want is to see Boston in his birthday suit for the rest of the day. He always loses at poker." Nash taunted.

"Because you cheat shithead!" Boston boomed. Pointing his finger at Nash.

"It is not cheating, you just have an obvious tell." Nash shrugged.

I emptied my school bag so,we could carry a blanket and lunch. Echo used her backpack for our swimsuits, the guys put in a pair of shorts. And we brought 3 towels.

The guys drove us out to the nature preserve trail. We had all changed our shoes from stylish to tennis shoes. And I dropped the motorcycle jacket for a hoodie. We would have time before the movie tonight to complete our outfits again.

The hike in to the hot spring is only two miles. Boston and Nash took the backpacks, even though they were definitely feminine. Boston held my hand as we walked.

"So the next couple of weeks we are going to be kind of busy."' He told me.

"That's fine, we have finals in a week and a half. When they are all done we will come back to Charelston."

"What day do you get back?"

"Either the night of the 20th or sometime on the 21st."

"And you get will be around until the middle of January?"

"No, the end of January." Boston was smiling, his smile was so devilishly dreamy, I faltered in my steps. His reflexes proved to be top notch as he caught me before my face hit the ground.

"Thank you." I mumbled, embarrassed.

He held me firmly against his chest. His heartbeat was a little fast, his breathing ragged.

"Finding the hike a little challenging?"

"Only because you are touching me. And pulling a Damsel in Distress move on me."

"I wasn't pulling anything. You are the one who gave me the melt my brain smile, and I tripped." I indignantly huffed.

"You think my smile melts your brain?" He asked grumbling deep in his chest, almost like a purr, but very masculine.

"Do you want an applause?" I was being a little snarky because he was starting to affect me.

"Only if you feel I deserve it." He chuckled and pulled out of the hug. The others had moved forward past us and we were now in need of catching up.

At the Hot Spring, Willow, Echo and I held up towels for the others to change behind. The guys took off their jeans then wrapped a towel around their waist, dropping their boxers, then pulling on a new pair of shorts, before removing the towel. We laid the blanket out on the ground and put our bags on it to eat lunch in a bit.

Boston helped me climb in the hot spring, since the rocks are slippery. His eyes never left my body. "My eyes are up here Beau." I pointed at my eyes with two fingers.

"And as gorgeous are your greens are...your body deserves my undivided attention right now."

I threw my hands up in the air as I sank down into the hot spring. Why do I even try? It felt so good, being in the warm water. Like a hot tub without the bubbles. It was as if the heat could melt away all my stress and problems.

Ryder scooped Willow up bridal style as he stepped into the hot spring. She looked really happy. I am glad she has finally found a good guy. She is too sweet to deal with most of the college guys and their antics.

Nash asked about the depth, then did a Cannon ball into the water. Echo giggled and copied his moves. "Nice! I give it an 8 though. You just are too small to make a big enough splash to warrant a 10." He teased her. She stuck out her tongue at him. " is that how it's going to be?" He chuckled, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

When they pulled apart, echo looked embarrassed that he had kissed her in from of the rest of us. "Do what makes you happy Echo." I encouraged her.

"I thought you were offering?...I didn't mean to upset you Echo." Nash quickly tried to rectify the situation.

"You didn't upset me. I'm just not use to showing affection in front of other people. But you, Dream Guy, can kiss me whenever you want." She winked at him before she dunked him under the water, laughing at her own playfulness.

When Nash came up, he trapped her against a rock and kissed her like it has been years since he saw her. I looked away to give them some privacy.

But what I saw was Willow's head leaned back with the look of pending orgasm on her face as Ryder kissed across her collar bones and neck.

I turned around to say something to Boston, but the look of hunger in his eyes made every thought flit from my brain. I am doomed. This boy makes me lose control faster than I can say, ... Say what? I don't even remember what I was thinking.

He enveloped me in the most sensual kisses while his fingers kneaded the muscles in my back. I was putty in his very capable hands.

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