Part 6 : Star (picture of Cannon)

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Part 6

Star & Cannon Monday Dec. 2nd @ 2pm

Star's POV

I went into the hospital to see my supervisor. She was an evil woman. I think she became a nurse in 1940. She was married to the hospital. She was a stickler for following protocol for everything. I get that, I do. The more organized the leader is, the smoother things seem to flow. But I was freaking kidnapped!

When I showed up at the hospital she was outright rude to me. "Well, look who showed up and decided to grace us with her presence."

"May I talk with you Ms. Sue? In private?"

She rolled her eyes at me. Really? You haven't even given me a chance to tell you what happened and you are acting like a bitch! We walked down the hall to a patient room that was not being used.

"Go ahead." She stated, folding her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry I was not here for my last two shifts."

She interrupted me, "and you think a simple apology will absolve you of all your responsibilities with just a slap on the wrist?"

"No ma'am Ms. Sue. I was trying to tell you that my sisters an I were taken against our will on Friday afternoon and were just rescued this morning."

"Well that's a new one. I Haven't heard an excuse like that before. I give you bonus points for creativity, but if that was the case, why didn't some family member call the hospital and tell administration what happened to you?"

"My abductors instructed my brother to tell no one or they would kill us. He did the best he could. He also told me that if you want him to call you and verify what I am telling you is true, he will."

"Fine. I'll accept your excuse, but unfortunately, I already made the schedule for the month of December. All of your shifts will be night shifts and I'm sorry they are a bit sporadic."

"What?" My voice rose to a yelling level. I am usually know for keeping my cool but she is pissing me off. "I have been a model employee from the start. Because I missed two shifts, against my own will might I add, you are severely punishing me?"

"I thought you had just walked away. Administration told me I still had to give you shifts for the two weeks time you would have needed to give if you were quitting. So I gave you your three 12's this week and next but the last two weeks of December you only got the left over shifts."

"Ugh! This is not happening! Fine, whatever! Is there anything in my contract that prevents me from filling in for other nurses at other facilities around town?" I just needed to find my own control. This predicament is only for the month of December, then it will go back to my normal schedule.

"Nope. You are welcome to work anywhere you want. And your first night shift starts tonight at 7pm." I looked at my watch, it's now 3pm. I have three hours to rest before my shift.

I headed to my apartment that is 15 minutes away and crashed in my bed for hopefully 2 1/2 hours rest. As I laid there, I kept fuming over my encounter with Ms. Sue. I tried to clear my mind and relax all my muscles.

Relax my neck, relax my shoulders, relax my arms, hands, fingers. Relax my legs, feet, toes. Clear the mechanism.


When my phone's alarm went off I didn't feel rested at all. I put on my scrubs, lab coat, tennis shoes and braided my hair. I added a slight amount of makeup. I don't want to look like a zombie at work, even if I feel like one.

I grabbed a frozen dinner from the freezer. I haven't gone shopping yet from before the week at Blaze's house. This dinner just sucks! Man, I am in a bad mood. This is going to be one long night.

Just as I was heading out the door my cell phone rang. I saw it was Echo. "Hey Echo, what's up?"

"Just wanted you to know we are back and safe."

"Thanks. I'm heading into work for my shift now."

"So, no problems with work?" She asked.

"Ugh!" I went on to explain what happened as I drove into work.

"It will all work out just fine Star. You are a hard worker and they know it."

"I know, it just irks me that she would do that to me after what we went through. It is like being violated all over again. Well, sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm at work now so I have to go."

"Chin up Star. And remember, we all love you."

"Thanks Echo. You're the best."


At 11pm, when I got to take my first break my cell phone buzzed that I had a text.

Cannon: I hear you are at work. The Doctor you met this morning said that his hospital has a nurse that is out sick. He wanted to know if you could fill in tomorrow from 3pm-11pm?

Me: who told you I was at work?

Cannon: a little birdie told me.

Me: I can use all the extra days I can get this month. So tell your Doctor friend I'll see him tomorrow. Just tell me what hospital to go to and who I need to report to.

Cannon: you will report to Dr. Green or Dr. Roberts. Whoever is not busy. I'll send you the address later tonight.

An 8 hour shift is unusual, although I am not a regular employee at that hospital. I wonder which part of the hospital I'll be filling in at. My favorite is either ICU or recovery. It doesn't matter though, it is just a short shift.

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