Part 5 : Willow

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Part 5

Willow and Ryder. Monday Dec. 2nd @ 3pm

Willow's POV

Blaze and Tenley went to work, but us five sisters stayed at the house all day with our group of guys, our heroes, our guardian angles. Star left an hour ago to go into the hospital to see about her job. Cannon stayed behind with the rest of his team, but was on the phone texting with someone.

We got a chance to learn everyone's names and just a little bit about the guys as a group. They consider themselves brothers, even though they are not related. Cannon and Ryder share a condo and Nash, Boston, and Thayne share an apartment.

It was getting closer to the time we had to leave and I didn't want to. I just wanted to stay curled up in Ryder's lap for the rest of my life. I know I'm only 20, and have school to finish, but my heart wants what my heart wants.

"Willow, Sweetness, can I get your phone number so I can talk with you while you are back at college?" Ryder asked so sweetly. He called me Sweetness. Aw, how cute. I love it!

"Of course Hero." I responded.

"No, I'm not a hero, can you come up with a different nickname? I don't want to be mean or rude, I just don't feel like Hero fits me."

"Superstar? Or Stud muffin?" I asked.

"Stud muffin? Hahaha, sounds like I'm edible." Ryder chortled.

"You might be...." I responded seductively. Eyeing him like he was a chocolate candy bar. Ryder leaned in ever so slowly, giving me a chance to stop him, as he touched our lips together. The kiss started out soft and sweet as he tested the waters. Realizing I wasn't going to push him away, he deepened the kiss and began exploring with his hands. He never touched any of the important parts, but feeling his hands on my arms, my ribs, my back, my legs, my collar bone, mmmmm. The moment left me breathless and forgetting what my name was.

When he ended the kiss, I whispered, "hot damn!" Then realized I cussed very unladylike. I covered my mouth with my fingers and blushed at my slip.

"Beautiful." He cooed as he stroked his finger over my cheek. I gave him my phone number and packed up my things. It was difficult to pack as Ryder never let go of me. He was touching me or kissing me on any piece of exposed skin he could find. We were heading back to college in an hour. We didn't want to hit any traffic.

The guys kissed us goodbye as we got in our car. I think Thayne was staying with Breezy until Blaze or Tenley got home, but the other four guys left when we left.

On the drive back to our apartment, we dissected everything about the guy we felt connected to.

"Rayne, what are you going to do about Chad?" I asked.

"Chad has always been an on again, off again thing. And currently we are I don't need to worry about it. I didn't cheat on him with Boston."

"That's not what I'm asking. How are you going to keep Chad from trying to be an on again thing?"

"Chad can go fuck himself, or those other hussies he has hanging around all the time. We were only a thing when I had an itch I couldn't scratch. He would give me what I wanted, then he would stray, and I'd end it. I'm done with him for good now." Rayne assured us.

"I hope you girls are ok, but I invited Nash to come up in two weekends." Echo announced.

"That is the weekend before finals! Are you crazy? You need to focus on your tests, not on Nash!" I was exasperated at my sister. She is a Freshman and she is NOT going to fail out of school her first semester.

"Then are you fine if he comes this weekend?" She asked hesitantly.

I looked at Rayne, she shrugged. It's not our life, we aren't her mom. She's a big girl and can make her own decisions. "Whatever. Just keep up with your end of semester assignments."

As soon as we got to our apartment, I texted Ryder.

Me: we are here safe and sound

Ryder: miss you already Sweetness :*

Me: ;* back at you.

I slumped on our couch, this is going to be a long three weeks without seeing Ryder. Maybe he will want to come this weekend with Nash.

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