Pain, Itachi and Kasame chapter 6

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i watched as sakura froze. hidan was trying to cuss around a mouthfull of blood. At once her posture became so tense i thought she was going to split and brake in have any seconed now. the whole scence confouned me. At that moment Itachi rushed her and without hesitation started soothing her. Picking her up he tried to move her to the other room. She struggled agaist his kind embrace. Burrowing her head into him. After a few minuets she appeared to have reagined all control. Even so wave after wave driffted off, emitting a fear like taste into the amistpear.


I sought out and made it my goal to never see sakura cry ever again something she looked close to doing.Something i had witnessed when she was only a child. Many had bullied her and in turn her brother Bounquni beat the shit out of them even if they were kids or adult. i thought back to the time when sakura came to us crying in the midle of the night to my old house. She was banging on our door when sasuke came and got me. We both ran to the door. Sakura and Sasuke were only 5 at the time. She was covered in blood and screaming. Crying her little heart out broke my heart. I sent sasuke to get mother and father which he did after arguing with me with a squirming sakura in my arms. In the kitchen i looked over her wounds and from what i could she had no physical injury. Mother and father rushed in the room " Itachi is she injured " my father questioned he was in a sleeping Komoto as was my mother. Mother tried to get sakura out of my arms but i refused to give her over. " Itachi" sasuke in his young age questioned. " i will get her to the hospital" I instisted and not waiting for an answer i took off into the silent night. The cloudless night reflected my worse fear that my young feanuse would die this night. Sakruas fathers clan the Harunos and my clan the Uchiha. Once she was the age of 16 she and i would marry uniting the two clans. At the hospital i burst into the emergency section of the faclity. The nurses rushed her to a room and to my dismise they would not let me in. A member of my clan latter in the night once sakura was cleared of any physcal injuries came and told me my clan also known as the Leaf police force had found Sakuras dead brother and mother and little to no evidence of the murder. They were tracking down subjects now. And at this point in time i had no clue how to brake the news to her.

Back in the present time i watched with hidden sadness as sakura fused over the two minor injuries the two members had. They were no danger of dying. Sakura knew that because she studied medical nijustu but her mind rebelled. Hidan gently jumped to his feet as did kasame and not surprising hidan tried to keep fighting. Once again sasori had to restrain him. Kasame walked to my side. Holding sakura in his arms. Pain approached, clearly wanting to see if she was ok. Kazu approached, taking her against all our protests, sasori was not saying anything and following Kazu to the area of the hideout where we stored and tortured prisoners. Deidara " this isn't necessary." he said calmly. But neither of the men listened. It came to the point where Kazu and sasori ended up fighting the rest of us, all confused over the emotions assaulting us. " whats gotten into us" Pain panted. " No damn clue" Hidan stated.


" what the hell is wrong with us" Hidan shouted, he pointed acussling at sakura. She said nothing and didnt deny anything. Kakzu said " she oblessly put a justus on us and for some reason every member is effected except me and sasori". 

"doesn't matter she doesn't deserve this, hmm" Deidara replied. Sasori sent him a look that shot daggers. " Enough let her go" i raorded in anger. No one moved. I was dangerous with out being pissed but when i was watch out world. I marched over to sakura. she covered away as if she was hurt. I took off the cuffs, threw her over my shoulder and marched to my room. Kazu and sasori protested all the way to my room.Turing around i listend with lost patience at what they were saying. " she is the enemy" sasori argued. arguing broke out and with that i shut my door. I placed her on my bed as if she was glass. She looked me with puzzlement. " your mine for tonight" i stated.


Banging on the door of the akatsuki leaders room. Pain was in a bad mood to put it mildly. I watched as the hallway became a passage way to violence. I didn't take part thinking rather thinking of a better way to get the pink hair beauty back.I longed to hold and cuddle with her. Something i would never thought of doing with any other women. I didn't try to fight my positive feelings i was feeling towards the female. Something about her intrujed and interested me. I walked away from the scene that was unfolding, going to my room to plan.

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