Chapter 14 Sakura and Pain

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 Dei threw a clay bird that flew on his own at the anoying younger Uchiha. to my self i thought ' how could i have possiply like him when we were younger. Even though he was now on the allies side. My feelings had shifted back to Itachi. But he already had killed Itachi his older brother for the murder of the whole Uchiha clan. Sasuke had lost his family at the age of 8 while I had lost my mother and brother at the age of 5. When i heard Itachi was dead i had mourned his death, little did others know but he had been my first love. Only after the murder of the Uchiha did Sasuke become my crush.  

Now Sasuke faught with deidera in a battle. Sasuke had been the one to kill the akatsuki member in the first place. That fact didn't seem to effect the on going, present fight. I once again noticed that he no longer possesed the curse mark Orochimarrouw who was also killed by sasuke was gone. And due to sasuke the former sonien member was alive and to the allies surprise was now on the allies side where in his former life he was the enemy, only and truly carring about getting a hold of sasukes body. Sasuke faught back with a lightning blade. Sasuke now specialized in in lightning chakra. Dei was sent backwards when sasuke kicked him off the clay bird he had been birched on. Dei flooded towards the ground. Panic raced through me, throwing me in motion. I barley caught Dei before he hit the ground. Sasuke landed on the ground with grace. Something that pissed me off even more. "sakura" sasuke approached me, only to be stopped by Itachi who stood in front of me. i couldn't tell if he was protecting me or confronting sasuke. The next few seconds puzzled everyone as both silently headed towards the forest.  "what the hell was that about" Hidan questioned.


i watched as the separated brothers went into the quiet forest. . " i hate Uchihas" Dei muttered under his breath. I  realized that sakuras shirt was  ripped in two showing her plain black bra. More than likely the result of catching Deidera. i threw my clok over her. She looked at me in puzzlement. " im going in" she claimed.

 "Oh come on Sakura getting wet is not bad thing?" Hidan proclaimed. Not that she understood but his smirk gave away his intent. He was wacked by all the members present besides sakura. " Stop being a per" Kisme ordered.

" ow" was all Hidan said.

" i don't get it" was all she said.

 " oh nothing" Kasame replied. 

"Don't lie to her kasame. sakura its something perverted. Hidan meant if your cunt was leaking from passion." deidara stated, earing a smack him self. Sakura stomped away towards the hidout, face a dark red. " Nice job" I growled. and the irony of the situation is that it started to downpour. Mud soon caked our shoes. I found Sakura in the living room. But she was still blushing the only sign of any emotion. " sakura its late why don't i show you your room and in the morning we'll work everything out."

" i need my stuff tonight " was all she said not facing any of us. "you cant go to the leaf village with our logo on nor can you go in a spit apart shirt." Kasame chuckled.

Her face was pricless. she turned around in shock, then bulted down the hall in humliation. I chuchled at the confusing female. she was a sexy, funny thing i thought. Hidan was rolling on the ground laughing. ' Anoying immortal ' i stated to my self. Kasame was struggling not to laugh while Kaszu was trying not to blush. I went after her after she slammed a door to a ramdom room. " Sakura theres nothing to be embarassed about" hidan called out. " says the one who never wares a shirt" deidara said. 

" shes hularious" Hidan contunied oblivious to what the long blond had said. " Smart ass" came the reply from the hall. the hideout door that lead outside opened and Itachi approached the group. " what" the black head questioned. " oh nothing much" hidan stated. "hm" was the only said thing in the room, " sakura just relized she was wearing a torn shirt" kasame elaborated. Hidan once again craked up laughing. "I hate you all" was the shout down the hall. . " this is going to be interesting" Itachi said. " you got that right" i agreed.

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