Chapter 24

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Lubing was quick, impatience getting the best of me. Hidan jolted at the first thrust. Crying out in pain and pleasure, both written all over his face. This was done for pleasure, release not anything else. Certainly not for love. Hidan knew this. Both wanting the same. 

Absently I was jolted by the red lights in my head warrning me that Sakura had excelant hearing.For a moment I was concerned. But soon lost all thought as my balls pulled up. My release would be soon. 

Hidan was being loud then all of a sudden he listened to my orders to be quiet which had never happened before. The bells in my head got louder hard to ignore. They forced me to stop. And I wished I had not. 


My partner pinned me to the tree. Both of us seeking the same thing. The intrusion was painfull, brutal but thats how we ussually had sex. It was all for release nothing more. Nothing less. Both of us were highly sexual and I dimly had to wonder if Sakura was the same. But the way she acted in some situations were indicating, hinting that she maybe was innocent. But that couldnt be possible. Who could resist such a beautiful women?

Even my lord could not. That's just who she was. Her body and soul tempted everyone around her. Maybe she knew it or not but she did. For a mere second I had to question what the hell would we do if we got caught. But then who the hell cared? Surely not me.

Now if Sakura caught us. That was another question. And I was just about to find out.. Out of the corner of my have closed eyes I spotted something pink in the forest. And I prayed she would understand because the thought of losing her was unthinkable. 

I turned to get a better look. Sure enough the women of my thoughts were perched in a near by tree watching us. Shock evident on her face. Hand pressed to her mouth. "Kakazuz.." I groaned.  He tensed to a stop, picking up on my tone. Normally he would not stop for anything but now he did. 

"Shit! Fuck! God Damnit." He swore under his breath. We stayed connected but neither of us moved and it was safe to say neither of us breathed. "Come out Sakura, its ok." Kakazu told the hiding women. At first I did not expect her to revel her self but then she came out. But stayed safe distance away. Clearly unsure as to what was going on, unsure what to do. 

Her big green eyes were round, watchful. Unsure. "Wanna come join us?" I questioned. Kakzu smacked his hand over my mouth. Effectively silencing any further invites. The women gulped. But did not run. "Hidan? Kakazu?"

"Sorry Sakura. Trust us this is aqdward for us too. Although the idiot over here only made it worse." The man inside me licked his lips nervously. I had never seen him like this. "If you'll turn around well get dressed. And then we can talk about this as adults."

This time it was the women who looked her lips. She looked so torn. Between confused, aroused and embarrassed. It was funny. 

Sakura opened her mouth, then thought better of it, deciding it was safer to turn around. When her back was turned, Kakazu pulled out of my ass. I felt empty but the arousal we had both felt was now at a low level. No longer overwhelming. No arousing pleasure was no longer our concern. We now had a bigger problem: how to deal with being caught. If it was anyother member we would plan out gut them, rip there eyes out then leave them for the wildlife. But this small creature was different. We did not have that option. 


Those two were being intimate! 'I have no idea how to handle this situation' and it only got worse when I got caught. I was no peeping tom, I was just sensed something was different and decided to ditch the others and find out what was wrong. Only to walk in on them. 

Akatsaku the wolf and its mate part oneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu