Kasuzu: Chapter 11

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i watched the exchange between Sakura and Itachi. I was puzzled and pissed, becuase i felt jealousy towards Itachi who had kissed her, and pissed because i felt this emotion. Grinding my teeth i grabbed the female none to gently and started walking towards the hideout. Three disapproval followed and i just didn't give a damn.

Back at the hideout:

i threw the trouble maker female roughly in a cell in the basement. It was a small cell with wooden bars and stone walls. The wooden bars were infused with chakra fused seals so the bars wouldn't be broken with a charkra attack. She landed with a thud. she looked pissed and tried to brake the wood with a charkra infused kick which pissed her off even more. the kick didnt work. " oh and just so you know the walls are also infused with charkra. so don't even bother. Or do us all a favor and wear your self out." i turned and walked out of the room. In the living room i was the last the one to the groups meeting.everyone but sasoir was there. " what the hell is wrong with her" Hidan asked clearly oblivious as to what had happened." lets get down to business" Pain started. 

" shes done something to us and we need to find out" i declared. " what i dont get is why she ran" Deidera said," shes already a member."

"Myybe something happened in Pains room" kisame pipped in. Leader gave no statement. 

 " she says that we put a justsu on her" itachi pointed out.

 " shes full of shit" i replied. I earned a glare from pain.

 " you and hidan" i countuined pointing at Itachi " have to syay away from her. 

" why what did the dumbass do now" hidan questioned.

 " Shes a good kisser is all i have to say" Itachi replied with a smirk on his face. Hidan lunged for the Uchia who just doged. " Enough fighting" pain shouted. the room went quiet. " what the hell is wrong with you" hidan and deidra asked. Pain marched towards mencly. Deidara backed away wisely while the immortal hidan stood his ground. THUD. a sound came from downs stairs.

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