Itachi&pain chapter two

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  'what the hell is she doing here?' i thought pushing my way towards the front of the group. my long black hair flowed in the wind. Standing next to pain, i saw her face contort into one of reconization. i recalled my shoitngan and started at her with night black eyes. In return she lowered her head in submission, either that or shame i couldn't tell. Probably more so shame because of what she just admitted.  i had heard her confession as did the rest of us. The leaders face was blank no emotion, all the members were clearly still angry about tobies and zetsus betraly especially pain who had be tricked the worst. Kisame came up beside me. Kazusu had her in a tight hold on her. His face was emotionless as well.         

        My mind flowed back in time to more peaceful years before Sasuke hated me, before I slaughtered my clan. Sakura had been a young, shy, kind girl who had a crush on my brother. Our two houses often got along and therefore we grew up together.....Before Everything fell apart. Now Sasuke as far as I knew after being reincarnated a second time still planned on destroying the village I had died for and loved above all else besides him. Now I could not locate him.i was called back to the present when kisame nudged me. i shot him a death look. then turned back to sakura, who was no longer struggleing to get free. Pain seemed to anilzye her, seeming off. And before I knew it we had a leaf village shinobi on the lose once more. 


      This women puzzled me. Her deceleration stumping me. She seased struggling, no longer trying to free her self. He face was hidden by her hair. I was just going to start questioning her when she broke free.  Sharp claws blurred by my face barley missing me. 'She lied.' The only thought I could comprehend. Sakura as Itachi named her did not stick around for a fight. Instead she took back off. In a quest to get away. Kakazu tried to recapture her but her claws muddled his every attempt, cutting through the strands like they were mere blades of grass. Sakura dogged attacked, parrying them. Not out right engaging. Information on her was pouring in. I vaguely remembered her from the time when I engaged the leaf village. Apparently she had survived, living to fight another day. From the sounds of things Itachi knew sakura. To the agree I had no idea and didn't really like the assumption that he might know her to a deep degree. Like me he stood on the sidelines watching the others engage her.

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