Chapter three Kasame and Kazusu

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        Eventually she would be 1. ethier captured, 2. killed or 3. run away. Everyone criminal and not knew those were the only three outcomes that could take place. One was the victor of the match. It seemed like the women had little fight in her. Only acting in defense and not offense. She was a weird creature with appealing features. Not that I would let her know that. Itachi and leader- sama were the only two who did not engage her in a fight. In the end sasori managed to subdue her with his charkara threads. stopping and controlling her movements.  All the same even with all of us professional killers against this one girl she had given us a run for our money. All patricians panted. Hidan for a change had no longing for killing her. The thought caused me to rub my chest. A fear and pain consumed me, it practically caused me to stop breathing. Almost doubling over. Itachi the even observant surveyed me. I gave him an confused look. 

Leader - same recaptured my attention when he adressed the spy. "Your coming with us." With his simple orders given Pain turned heading back to the scene of the crime, the hideout. Sakura was taken back to the lair. Instead of having her placed in the dugen, latter to be tortured she was placed on the couch. Apparently that is where Pain wanted the interrogation to take place. "I've been trained to resist torture." she warned. Even having the gulls to life her head in denial. Pain seemed to relasp, surprised at her antics. " If you dont want to play nice then I will order Itachi to make you." No need to explain the how. "I wont do it. "

All eyes turned to find Itachi starring at her. His face in stone. Eyes locked in somthing I could not place. An emotion unseen on his face, not somthing I had seen before not even in those long years as being his partner. Pain narrowed his eyes at the renigaged. However Itachi seemed unconcerned. No one crossed Pain, let alone disobeying his orders. 

"Oh. and whys that?" Pain demanded, faced cemented in anger. The males backed away except Itachi. Sakura even looked weary. "What is she to you?" I asked my partner. "Nothing that concerns you " was his calm, even reply. "Itachi dont be stupid" the women whispered. 

"Tell me!" Pain demanded. The smart ass hiden just had to ask, "which do you want to know their relationship or the mission. You pick!" Pain grabbed him by the throat leading the strangled masochist down the stairs, moments later the door to one of the creaking cells could be heard. Pain came back up looking none the happier. "If you dont give me what I want to know you can join him." 

"No thanks. Hes into men." I swear the room went silent. Deidera was the first one to brake out lauphing. On the other hand Kazusu looked embarrassed, a first and none to pleased. "Your not in the least bit afraid of us. Your either overconfident or a fool" Pain stated. The spy only smirked her kissable looking lips. Leaning forward, sticking her tongue out, her clone vanished.


No one knew how the hell she deceived us. One thing we could all agree on was that she had achieved two goals. Getting away and pissing us all off. Her previous statement had thrown he a hard ball. I had no idea how she knew this information. Know one knew of Hidans and my relationship. Demanding answer I stalked out of the hideout looking for my query.

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