Sakura, and Pain chapter 8

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i was carried in a dark room that only contained a bed and nightstand. No lights were in sight. This is the point when i relize what i had gotten my self into. " um..." i start nervous. Pain the tall and poud akatsuki leader droped me on the bed. But little did he expect that i would bolt out the door, he shouted after me. In my panicked state i did not stop nor listen. All i knew is that i had screawed up majorly. Not only with my mission but also with my emotions. Once out of the base, i smashed my way through the forest. Now more than one shout had sounded, the group was giving chase. Turning to the right at a sound, i saw Itachi watching me. "Big mistake" he says. I growl at him in frustration. I halt in my foot steps. He stops ahead of me." What the hell have you done to me" i shout? 

" what the hell we've done to you?" Deidera copies. i lunge for him. But he gets out of the way and by this time i am sourounded. " you put a jutsu on us!" he states. 

" No i havent!" i defend.

 " your lying. you put a justus on us so you could mess with our emotions and feelings." kakzu argues back approching me. He stopes infront of me. "Oh really stupide. Then why the hell would i give my mission info to you?" i fight back verbally. " to trick us" the man countuines. i step closer, now our faces were touching, " oh jackass i think you have the wrong idea and your pissing off the wrong person." i threaten.


i watch the interaction between the two power ful ninjas. Shaking my head i agree with Kazu. After she bolted from my room i had chased her down the hall after a surprise moment. She had passed kakzu in the hall way. He and i also passed Kisame, Itachi and dediera. Sasoir had been heading out on a misson. Now in the present, i watched the exchange. Sasori looked pissed to say it nicly. He never liked to be kept waiting and was very impatient. " i dont have time for this" sosori says taking off. the she devil watches. " your not going anywhere" i state matter of factually. " you may have info on our movements, and you know where one of our hidouts are." " any thing else Eistien" she asks saracasly. My eye brow lifts at her fire. No one has talked to me like that except Kohan who is dead.This girl is a spit fire and is quite entertaining i think. ' maybe ill keep her for my self' i thought. i approach her, she doesn't move. " and you need to realease the jutsiu you have on me and my members" i finish. she pokes me in the chest with her finger " Not on your life. Oh and p.s. your the group who has the jutsu on me!" she acusses. " this is getting no where. " kakuz deems. " No dip sherlock." she fires back. i chuckle causing me to gain looks from the people around me. Getting some control back i snatch her in my arms." your coming with us" , starting to walk away with the struggling female, i head towards the hidout. Bite!!!! " OW! Shit".


i bit him in the arm. i needed to control before my emotions get the best of me once again. The desire building in my body was coming to life once more. But i couldnt give in, not to these criminals. Itachi captured me with a kiss. 'Damn these men' i think. But i lean into the embrass. pushing me lip lightly his tounge enters my mouth. My eyes pop open at the intrudment. He leans his back agaist a tree and pulls me in his arms. my hips move on there own accord. I rub my lower region where the fire is birthing against him. The pleasure builds. he brakes the kiss. I'm drolling. He licks his lips. Blushing i struggle to no advail to get away. "You are such a sourdral" i accuse. he chuckles in a response. I try to smak him but he moves his head out of the way. "grrr." is my only resonse. " Get a room" Dedira deems. i twist to get a hold of the blond, i swung, i miss. " shit holes" i called.

 " she has a mouth to compete with hidan the dumbass." kakuszu replies. i stick my tounge out. Itachi chuckles. But this time he doesnt miss my hit. I send him flying , due to my chakra infused fist. This time it is my time to snicker. Kazu rappes some black things around my leg, holding me upside down. " how stupide do you take up for" he questions. 

"Bit me" i snap. "you are ready bit me" pain replies showing the bit mark on his arm. " har har har". but my face is blushing. in my head i picture each member bititng me in differnt places all over my naked body. my legs and thigns flood with flooded. i cup my self on a moan. i dont even try to school my response. " someones...." diedara starts. All three males stare at me. At some thing i cant figure out.

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