Chp 20 First night pt 4

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I began to dose off after the older brother got out of the tub. i threw the blanket covering the bed over him and his younger brother. " please sing us a song" Jurkile hesitantly asked. i stammered " i cant sing". but his pleading eyes made me do as he asked.

" deep in the sea, a million miles away. the waves splash and wash you tears away. Here the stars flash and dance. calling to your happy memories which play in the night sky. Here no pain is felt, your loved ones by your side." i contuined to sing one of the lullybuys my mother used to sing to my twin brother and i when were we children. " here the fish song along, swimming in the waves. watch them as they help me sing this lullaby. sleep away young ones no nightmare will plague you tonight, for the fish an i are your gaurdians ,call your happy memories and play all with the fish, for the waves will wash away your tears and protect you."

I threw my self back on the bed, rubbing my teary eyes.

This is how pain found me hours later. i heard stuff drop on to the ground jerking my red eyed face awake. I quickly hid my face. " what did you spend" Kakzu stormed from out side the open door. i refused to face the members. Itachi walked into the room. He layed behind me on the bed, holding me from behind. I shock, sobbing. He rested his head on top of mine. I still felt unsure about him but needed the comfort. " sakura you ok" Deidera asked from the behind Itachi. " don't look" i hid my head into his chest to avoid anyone seeing me like this.

Pain: i watched Sakura have a melt down. i figure its from what happened tonight. The mothers death reminded me of watching my parents who both loved me and each other die by the hands of the leaf ninja. Anger took hold, i set the supplies on the floor and to my shame i left the room, storming to the indoor training center. 


I held Sakura from behind. Once she calmed enough I left her alone. The bags Pain had brought in contained baby things. Kakzu in the mean time behind me was throwing a fit about the amount Pain must of spent. Sakura finding what she wanted went back to the sleeping boys. I had no clue where they had come from but she was very protective making me think of things that is forbidden to me. She unwrapped the baby and out him in fresh clothes just like a mother would. Gently, tenderly. I couldn't keep the ideas of making her pregnate out of my head, but after earlier i knew that, that was not going to happen. she put the baby back under the covers and repeated the process for the older boy, tucking him in as well. With her strength she forced all of us from her room, closing the door. " shut it" she shouted at the pissed off Kakzu. No one said a word or moved. She had the tone of a born leader. Which i knew she was because of her birth in her mothers clan. Only Pain had that effect on us. he was vicious and rough and could kill eithor of us if he so wished. Or that what i allowed him to think. " Go to bed" she barked. Us men dispereced, " i love a switch" i heard Kakzu mutter under his breath. Sakura gasped and blushed. Like me i knew she had heard him.

The next day:

Sakura: i got up early and took the boys back to their grandmother's. The funneral was today and wanted the young boys to be their. The father was giving us a problem, threatening her and blaming her for his wifes death. After i gave her the kids i made slow work of the killing the man. First i dragged him away from the kids into the forest. He swore and threatend me. I tied the male up , wanting to make him suffer. His first punishement was starving just like he made his "family". I planned to make him suffer in some of the same ways they had. I left him their for how long i hadnet decided.

Back at the hidout still early in the morning i cleeaned up wanting to provied. after the kitchen was done i cleaned the dinning room. The furniture was ok at best which would have to do. The kitchen was old and obvioulsy misused or should i say under used. the rooms were horendious. Dirty. Flithy. Grabage was all over the place varying from japaness food, burt food and organs which i had no clue were they came from. I also had a couple of gueses.

Hidan was the first up, and meet me in the Kitchen.

Hidan: i walked around the hidout unable to sleep because of my hard on. I had been like this for no other women. Sakura was driving me crazy. she was hot as hell. And a hot switch at that. I wonder if she was into BDSM. I went to clubs all over and had hundreds of victums.

My nose lead me into the kitchen where sakura was cooking. I guess she stayed up late night. i saw food in the pile. I started laphing at Pain. " who thought the all so mighty leader became a slave" sacraasm came when i said "mighty leader". Sakura turned around, she was wearing apron. Giving me ideas. A naked women, sakura cooking me dinner before a hot night of sex and sacrafices. I became even harder, drooling. Sakuras words brought me back to reality. " uh.. Hidan?"

Pain: i got up early unable to sleep. Kohan wouldnt leave me alone after the incaident last night. Finally after going to my room i was able to be left alone. Sakura clouded my dreams. I was still focused on her in the morning on the way out. I was going to get the others and drag the others for training until i smelled something good and not the female kind. in the kitchen sakura was cooking and staring at a drooling Hidan. He was staring at her. " hidan" i roared. he worled around only to be punched by me. he went crashing into the living room. " sakura" Itachi shouted running into the room. His shirt was off. The others soon joined us in the kitchen.

Sakura: i turned around when i heard Hidan enter. he was praticlay naked, no shirt only in boxers. He was drolling all over the floor. Soon after Pain joined us, no sooner had he thrown Hidan into the other room. And soon after that the other cames in. Most were shirtless. All giving me a good proud look at rock hard abbs. i was in heaven.

Kasame: My stomac growled at the smell of fish. my nose showed me where the prey was which was in the hot stew on the stove. i licked me lips. Kakzu walked over to the stove and looked into it, " wheres the brats" he asked calmy. " none of your damn buisness" she said back. the two meet nose to nose. the oven went off. She rellanquished her gaze and bent to get the food. Nice honey smelling bread came from the oven. She wisly ballenced the pot of stew and pan of bread and walked into the dinning room. I just noticed somthing, both rooms were cleaned. She put the food onto the table and came back into the kitchen. she rummaged in the frige. Pulled out some cheese and a grater.

Deidera: I really hope i could have some of the good smelling food. She quickly grated the cheese an cut apples. Putting them on the plate she went back to the stove, she wisly mixed the two ingredents. Clearly not satified she went back into the neat fridge, pulling out chicken. cooking everything she took a while, while she did that i snuck into the dinning room to sample to goods.

Sakura: I cooked the chicken and cut it up. i placed the meal onto the now occupied table at which Kasame and Deidera were eating. The small meal was quickly dissapearing. I watched them. They looked sheepish when relizing i was watching. kakzu passed by me and sat down. He looked suscpically at the food but soon gave in and ate. The first bite made him close his eyes. Pain was next,but didnt hesitate like Kakzu did. Back in the kitchen i cooked some more meat consisting of sausage and turkey. I cut the pieces and put them into the pan. Next up was the seeds grounded up. I was going to use that as seasoning on the meat. Mushrooms soon joined the mix. Beans and carrots finished it off. All cooked to perfection. brought the dish to the dinning table where all the members except kohan and sasori were eating. I sat between pain and Itachi and ate. Itachis mouth looked alittle bit better. He only ate the stew though. He deserved it.

After the meal, Pain ordered us to an open field. " training time" he said. Before he could speak hidan cozied up to me " she can boss me around anyday" he purred. Pain sent him flyin again. " now then" Pain said pulling me to his side.

kakzu: i watched with surprised jelouly as Leader pulled sakuras small body against him. It irratated me. which pissed me. " its every man for himself. Each members against each other. "

" so were sparring" the only female asked. Kasame cracked up lauphing next to me" no sweet heart" pain purred next to her. she blushed. " sakuras not competing?" deidera asked. " no stupide" hidan asnswered.

The two meet angered gazes of the other. " dont make have to come and get you" she fired back. " Neithor said anything and just stared. Pain growled blocking her from the dubmasses views. Itachi didnt look happy. It was wierd to see the indifferent non showing emotion person to have a reaction.

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