Chapter 21

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Note to readers: i changed this part. Sorry if i made anyone uncomfortable. Please reread and like.

Sakura: i watched the men disperice. Pain carried me to the side line where he stood next to me. mean while Diedera and Hidan were still arguing, which soon turned into a an all out battle. " your not gonna let them kill eachother" i asked, looking at Pain. He shrugged.

Itachi: i marched away from the open piece of land. Kasame and I would work togethor to take out the others. Kasame went the opposite way to confuse the others. He headed south while headed north. i heard bombs go off. i watch the showdown. In the sky deidera was in the air. i could see the dot of a hiden try to hit him with his sycth.

Somthing puzzled me though. Why would Pain do this? I had a feeling he was going to secretly compete. I didnt know if the others had the same feelings. It didnt matter.

Kasame: The plan was off to hitch and as far as i knew no one suspected a thing. I hide close to the arena where Hidan and deidera were already fighting. I hide hehind a tree watching to see who the winner could be. Both stupide pieces of shit were swearing away. i looked over to see sakuras reaction to the whole training competion. She looked quite interested in what was going on. Pain was no where to be seen though. " what the hell" i said. Behind me a branch split. In turn i was sent flying by pains almighty push. It hurt like hell. I went crashing through the forest back into the clearing. I slambed into hidan. " you son of a bitch" he shouted before swining at me. " bastard "i cussed. The fight between two lendgerdary swordmens of the hiden mist commenced.

Kakzu: i watched from high in the tree as Pain sent Kasame flying back into the grassy clearing. Deer scattered as the fights heated up. Sakura looked more than pleased at the training. She was werid. In the sky the child Deidera was lauphing as the two sword wielers battled it off. No one was fighting fair. 'figures were a bunch of crimnals, killers'.

Pain: I was glad came up with the plan to make the others look like whimps. This way i could have sakura all to my self. I had a hunch she would lokr a dominate man however a title didnt completly prove that.

Diedera: i watched from the air as the battle went down between Kasame and Hidan. I wondered who was stronger, the smarter was not a question though. The answer was definetly Kasame. i decided to drop a level three bomb. ' how the hell cares if they die. no friends of mine'. i just glad sakura wasnt competing. i didnt like hitting girls. Mom raised a gentelmen.

Sakura: i watched with fascnation as the guys battled it out. It was almost like a competion to impress me. I liked it. ' even if it wasnt true it was still nice to believe it'.

The battle contuined into the night and into the next morning. i layed watching the fight go down. Deidera after a couple of hours joined me on a branch. mean while itachi was no where to be found, Kasame and Hidan were almost out of charkara. Pain and Kakzu were still battling it out. They were almost evenly matched.

" hey" deidera said.

" hi"

" who do you think will win" he asked.

i looked at him. having no idea and stated the fact. " im betting pain will" he said.

" he is leader after all". i nodded in understanding. Kasame almost drowned hidan when summing some water and some sharks. Hidan almost struggled to breath under the strong current. Itachi joined the fray but putting Hidan under the spell of his eyes. next the duo takled the two other members still in view. " stupide uchiha" deidera mutterd with hatred. He jumped into the fray. Bombs, waves, air and flames battered the forest.

It took three more days to end battle the boys had started , a civil war u could call it.. I ended up healing Hidan and deidera. Hidan had a broken leg and kneck but surplioly wasnt dead. " they dont call him the immortal for nothing" i said wrapping the badages around his bloody kneck. Deidera had a broken nose, three cracked ribs and a wide deep cut to the head. Kasame had his gills almost cut completly off along with his nose. The other three remained, but were tired i could tell . Kakzu was the third to fall. he had a broken arm, cut ear, his side was also split wide open. Pain and Itachi fell at the same time. Itachi had internal damage, a cute on his eye, broken arm and leg. Pain ended up also with internal damage, thirteen stab wounds and cuts. I had to call on my monster to be able to heal all the men. i just hoped no one noticed the change in my apperence. My hair got longer, i now had claws and black slits in my almost completly red eyes. i slumped back on the non even ground, struggling to control and retract the horny monster wanting to fuck the members. i barley won the painfull battle. I stuggled to my feet which didnt go well. Kakzu was forced to carry back Hidan. Deidera had to help me transport Itachi. Kasame and Pain limped behind us. " i won"pain bragged. Picking me up from behind. " shes not yours" Itachi moaned. Deidera dropped him. I made him pick Itachi back up with a glare. "Oh any by the way. Im not anyones prperty."

Akatsaku the wolf and its mate part oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora