Kazsu and Sasori Chapter 7

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I dragged sasori to the far side of the hall way to talk." Hes lost his mind" sasori stated. ' he looks unpleased' i thought, and personally i didn't blame him. " she should be locked up" sasori continued. 

" i agree" i agreed as i stated my opion. 

" shes got us rapped around her finger" sasori said. " i didn't see her caste any justzu but i'm sure she did something. the others have already lost there minds." sasori said with annoyance in his tone. I nodded in agreement. then all of a sudden his mood changed, raising my eyebrows. Sasori looked away. "Well" i promoted.


" i cant believe i'm saying this but, i feel the same as the others." i tucked my head in shame. I hated the other who annoyed me and to me they were all immature. Maybe that was just my old age talking but that whats i thought and i wasn't about to change my thought for or because of anyone. Kakzu gave me a puzzling look. " What the hell are you looking at" I snapped? I was insulted but i wasn't about to tell the cheap stake akatsuki member, who pinched every penny the akatsuki made. " what ever" he replied calmly. No emotion was on his face, and i was hoping mine was blank as well. He walked away. i stomped to the door throwing it open i emerged into the night. I looked over the mission paper work i was given. My mission would be a piece of cake. It was to spy on the former akatsuki members. I gritted my teeth remembering how that had tricked all of us. It pissed me off and i couldn't wait to kill them both. Unfortunately that was not part of the mission and would have to wait, and unlike the new recruit I would not be caught. On that note I started to ponder the notion that she might of wanted to be caught. This brought back her declaration earlier. Now I was more confused then before. 'Great!'

 " Stupide pain" i muttered. " she could kill...." i continued under my breath. then thinking better of the sutation ' she can kill them all for all i care' i thought. I raced away the hidout, impatiently waiting for the kill that would murder the traitors.

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