chapter 26

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Note to readers:

Thank you to all that like my stories. I am honored that you read what I write. Stay tuned, this is the last chapter but another part of the puzzle is soon to be written. Like and follow. 



The two came back a few minuets later. It was suspicious. Especially for the fact that the silver haired member listened to someone besides Pain without any argument. His head looked like it had recently been cut off. Stitched together crudely. Maybe that was what had happened. Kakazu took out his aggression on the other man. Since Kakazu had not joined in the fight against Itachis younger brother.

That situation was also suspicious. Why is hell's name was he here? What could he possibly want? 'To kill Itachi?' But he had already did that. Maybe the rebirth of his sibling rekindled that lust for revenge. It was a the most likely outcome.

Ever so anti- social and quiet man refused to answer any questions we threw at him. Refusing to talk. He had some questions to answer. Sakura did too. But she could wait. Itachi was the present concern. When leader returned and found out what shit had gone down, the asswhole would have no choice but to answer.

Both immortals headed to their rooms. I had already cleaned up the discarded breakfast. Forgotten and now in the trash. No need for the modly smell to return after Sakura had cleaned the damned kitchen. 


Something was off about those two when they returned. Both irrated, Hidan more so. But that was normal. The levels of irration increased, more so than normal.

But that was not where my attention was focused at the moment. I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on in Itachis room. It was louder than normal. And normal was pratically silence. Something was obviously going on. 

I tried the door but it was locked. When I turned the nobe the room went silent. I called to my partner, wanting to make sure everything was ok. "Yes Kisame everything fine." Itachi sounded exasperated. An unsual emotion. 

"Sakura seemed pretty peeved at you." I told him leaning on the door.  "She'll get over it " he heaved from the other side of the door. I could of sworn I heard another voice comming from the locked off space. But who else could be in there?


The whole organization was without leader one day and the whole group was falling apart. It was like we all had fallen into a whole and was now in wonderland. First Hidan actually listened to Kakazu. Secondly those four eyed Uchiha brothers. What the hell was there deal. I had a feeling they were up to some thing. 

Well they better watch their backs. I was still on the path to revenge and if they were not diligent than I would cut out both of their eyes. Then I was going to kill them slowly. 

Even after all this time, I was still pissed that my ultimate art did not kill the younger bastard. It pushed my patience. At least Sakura let me have him. The only down side was that she pushed Itachi away from the fight. I had the possibility of killing both. A golden opportunity. One that had been snatched away from me by the pinky. It was all the same hard to stay mad at her. 

If she had not interfered in that manner than I could of killed both of them. All I had to do was tell Pain and Sakura that he got in the way and it deserved him right. 

The third sign the place was going to hell was Kisame talking to one of the bedroom doors in the hallway. I saw this on the way to my room where I planned to stay until Sakura called for dinner. She had taken over making most of the meals now. And how good they were.

Akatsaku the wolf and its mate part oneWhere stories live. Discover now