Chapter 23

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Note to readers:
    Their is only 26 chapters but dont worry their is a part two. It will come out soon. However though im worried cause my number of viewers has decreased.... please like and enjoy.  If something seems confusing let me know and ill explain.
      Also, the beging of this chapter is a contination of the flash back from the last part. Warning on lauage, their will be sex, sexual foreplay and references along with violence.  Now then lets get back to the story.

I walked out of the hideout., taking in the action. Kakuzu and Kasame were guarding the hideout. sasori stood on the side silently. 

I punched sasuke who had underestimated me. He had ignored me and was focused on blocking hidan instead of dogging my incoming attack. The young Uchiha  went flying. Hitting the ground hard enough that I heard bones crack, could hear and see the blood leave his mouth. He cauphed laying on the ground. The other things held back waiting, watching. Sasuke was slowly recovering, he leaned back on his heels once he was back on his feet.  He looked almost afraid of me at first. " Where the hell did you learn that?"

" I'm no longer a little girl."" I see that." he appraised my tits. Then meet my gaze. " In more ways than one.". With inhuman speed i cut his blocked sword with a simple single swipe of my claws. He backed up shocked. "What the fuck?" 

However he soon recovered from the initial shock.  Quick on his feet, chidori followed up, his shargingan came into play. He activated his genjutsu. I smirked however. The allusions had no effect on me. So I ran forward to his surprise but he dogged my next punch. The two of us went at it like we had not been former team members at one point. I managed to get a kick in. He was slower to recover this time. Earlier he had understated me, undoing the susiono. But now he was taking this battle seriously. 

 With a tap of his fingers that hit my arm, lightning pulsed through my body. I was sent steeping backwards. He didn't back off. With a summoned kuni knife.The lightening paralyzed me for a moment before I was able to shake it off. My former team mate did not waste anytime. slitting my arm down the middle and a thin cut near the throat. Nothing major though. Pain flooded through my system,  red hot and searing . A welcoming feeling. " I think i'll take you back with me". 

Sasori's threads grabbed me from behind pulling me out of the fray and just in time.A bomb flew by my head in the next second. If it was not for the red head I would be in pieces right now. Sasuke jumped back, dogging the next member. Kisame was the next to engage. He cut up sasuke pretty bad with his sharkskin sword. Kakzu retrieved me the puppeteers strings.  I sucked in gulps of air to try to manage the pain. Itachi disobeyed my orders, coming out of the hideout. "We'll meet again. Brother." Sasuke dipped his head to Itachi in respect then like a coward disapeared.   I cussed . The men looked at me with look of shock. Hidan had two, the first of shock and then adortion. He pulled me into his arms with praise. I looked at him like he had lost his mind. Which I guess had already. 

" Hes never touching you again" Deidera claimed possessively. "Hes dead next time he comes around. Lord Jasame will love the sacrifice." 

"You and your obsession with your religion." Kasame complained. 

"Lets get you inside." Kakzu said picking me up.  He carried me into the hideout like i was a priceless gem. One that he cared about above all else. Inside he set me on the old couch. Sasori started to check my wounds. " I'm fine."  I got off the couch. "Pains not gonna like this." Kasame claimed.

"I already lost my arm  and would like to keep my head and my whole body as one. " deidera said, he held his kneck in high regard. 

"I doubt hes gonna kill you." 

"You don't know Pain like we do." Sasori calmly claimed. He came towards me with bandages and and ointment. 

" I can heal my self" I said stubornly, i jutted my chin in the air with determination. He only laughed. I growled not that i would hurt him thanks to my stupid wolf. It was just mad that the threat to its mates aka sasuke got away. 'Wait when did i start thinking them as my mates? This has gone to far.' I shocked my head and looked out the window. I pressed my hand to my throat and began to heal the thin wound. I was distracted with thoughts of revenge against sasuke and the two others i had longed to kill since i was little. I had been so distracted that sasori had taken advantage of my lasp of stuborness and awarness too take care of my arm. I was jostled out of my thoughts by my arm being taken into his hand. I jumped and pinned him to the ground. He calmly only raised an eye brow. Not even fased. "Hey saku-chan mind toning down the fangs and claws a bit" Hidan asked. 

" Sorry."

"Your fine sweat heart" kasame reasured. Once i was back to normal he picked me up. Sasori got up and like nothing happend, he rebegan to heal my arm and other wounds. None were life threatening. The worse one was to the throat. But thats only because of the area.  Soon i was all healed.  But Kasame was hearing none of it, not allowin me off the couch .Hidan leaned forward, and spoke in my ear " I like you with claws and fangs barred sweatheart. I cant wait to feel them in my skin." he leaned away and shivered. The big bad seven swordsman shivered. Wetness convered my pantis in an rush. He aparently knew this too because it didn't take him long to smirk. He licked his lips."Hidan what the hell are you looking at?" Kakzu asked getting in front of me protectively. It was weird, feeling protected. I hadn't felt like this since i was little.  It was nice. 

" Itachi you have some explaining to do." Kakzu stated. All eyes were plastered on his face. Itachi clamly meet my gaze. "I have nothing to say to anyone but sakura."

"Let me finish. After I deal with Hidan." 


"Hidan you me outside now." Kakzu demanded not waiting for the other immortal to catch up. Hidan muttered under his breath. But he followed Kakuzu outside. 


 I walked out side. I heard Hidan behind me. I'm sure the dumb ass, as dumb as he was could figure out what i wanted. once in the safety of the forest, I stopped and turned to face him. "Get over here and strip."

"Why dont you come over hear and make me." hidan groaned. 

The stress of the last two days caught up to me. I felt bad about leaving sakura with the others but it was best. I dragged hidan to me with my extended arms. He didn't struggle. He looked like he was enjoying himself even though we had't started yet. He struggled as i stripped him. But this was only a form of foreplay to him. Not that I cared either way. I tied him to the tree then pulled my pants down with care. No need to go back half naked and scare sakura. I wondered abasently if she could come to except this bisexual side of me.  I also wondered if she could except the side of Hidan also. But he was no concern of me. My shirts stayed on though. Hidan was laughing in his restraints. "I bet sakura would love this sight."
"I highly doubt it."
"You never know old man. "
I didn't reapond to his annoying comments.  Soon the only sounds comming from him would be moans. Weithor from pain or pleasure I didn't really care. He would enjoy this  either way. I stalked towards him. Once in front of him I priye his legs apart. Wide. He was fully exposed and erect. 

Akatsaku the wolf and its mate part oneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang