0.01 Introduction

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"So, what's the plan now. I mean, you're signed and you're about to go out there on stage for the first time but what is your plan?" Isla looked at herself in the mirror as her boyfriend talked behind her. "I don't know André. I just planned on going along with it until I have no choice but to plan something." Isla replied as she stood up. André chuckled a bit and walked towards her. "You're nervous, aren't you?" Isla nodded. André hugged her and felt her Bury her head into his chest for comfort. "You'll be fine babe. You can sing better than most people, you have nothing to be worried about." Isla groaned. "I'm just worried that I hit a note wrong or something. This is my first live performance, I can't edit it behind a screen like I usually do, I have to rely on being perfect the whole time. I can't just restart."

"As I said before, you have nothing to worry about." Andre moved a strand of hair out of her face and smiled down at her. "You've got this." Isla smiled back and kissed his lips softly. "You're the best thing to have happened to me baby." she paused and stared into his eyes."Thank you." she whispered. "Hey Isla! You're up now!" Isla flinched slightly and looked back to her boyfriend. "Promise me you'll be here when you get back." she said. "I'll be there as you get off the stage." Isla let go of his hand reluctantly and walked out to perform her first ever show; no pressure at all.

"She's quite fidgety isn't she?" Andre turned and saw Isla's new manager Michael beside him. "Can you blame her though?" Michael shook his head. "Of course I can't. I could never go out and sing in front of a crowd." Michael said. "Yeah, can't sing." Andre chuckled, earning an unamused look from Michael in return. "No, just stage fright." he replied. "Well I doubt you can sing either-"
"I'll have you know I sang soprano in my school choir." Andre rolled his eyes and walked away with Michael. "Let's just go watch this show. You're girlfriend is counting on you, isn't she?" Andre nodded as he walked through what felt like a maze to get to the side stage but once he got there, he didn't regret it because he saw her.

He saw Isla doing exactly what she was born to do


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