0.22 Knows Me

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To Know Someone•
Such familiarity can range from close friendship to having only met someone once.

"Like it's a good song, it's a great song even but-" Sandra paused, grinning. "But? You said you had this melody you needed to get rid of. I have lyrics." Sandra opened her laptop. "I have lyrics for it now. I'm not gonna trash talk the song I'm just gonna ask who the guy is." Isla felt a shiver go up her spine. "It's no one." She replied. "Does he live here?" Sandra asked. Isla didn't want to answer but nodded and a squeal erupted from the American. "Can you tell me more? Are you two dating? Is it complicated?" She bombarded her with questions. "No, no and yes." Sandra gave her a suggestive look. "What?"

"I think you're in love. I like the sound of this guy." Isla scoffed and shook her head. "I am not in love. He's just-" she paused trying to find an explanation to what he was. "He's just Max." Sandra arched a brow. "Just Max? I find that hard to believe." She turned back around to fix some stuff from their recording as Isla simply thought about everything that happened in the past few months with Max. It was magical in all honesty. He was like her Prince Charming. She liked him a lot. She just didn't know what love was. She was clueless about it since the last guy. And no matter how often she told herself it was love, she simply couldn't trust her own mind. "I'm gonna go home but keep me updated with the song?" Sandra looked at her. "It's special." A wild grin appeared on her face. "Oh, I'm sure it is special."


Max sighed as he pushed through the door and let his bag fall to the floor. He switched on the light and pulled out his phone ot messag Isla. He needed to speak with her about what had happened. He was going going organise a night in. No sex, just a hang out to try and get past whatever happened this morning. He lifted his phone to his ear to call Isla, only to be surprised when he heard her ringtone from the living room. He peered over the sofa to see his beloved Isla laying on the floor, sprawled out like a star fish. She answered her phone and looked up towards him. "Yes?" He chuckled. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Just lying here." She said quietly. Max hung up and put the phone back into his pocket.  "I've ordered some food for us. Should be here soon." Max said, lying down beside her. "Can we just lie here for a while?" She asked. "I forgot what it feels like to just relax." Max smiled and then decided to join her. "Max? About what you said today-"

"You don't need to worry about it. We'll figure something out." Max said quickly, pushing the obvious elephant in the room to the side. "But I think we should talk about it-"

"You made your feelings very clear this morning. You can't change your mind in a day." He explained. "But I did-" He stopped her. "No, you can't. You have to actually think about it. There's no point in telling me what I want to hear, just tell me what you want and we will figure it out." She turned and took in his facial features. He looked so calm, like this situation wasnt bothering him. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe he had lines of women lining up for him. That set off the paranoia. "Are there other women you're sleeping with?" Max's face turned from one of tranquility to one of confusion. "What?" He asked. "Well you aren't bothered about me not wanting to be with you so you obviously have a reason for it." She explained. "Well, I'll leave you to speculate my reasons but that is not one of them." He replied quite cleverly. "I'll figure you out yet, Verstappen." He chuckles. "I'm a difficult man to crack." She turns fully onto her side. "What?"

"Shush, I'm trying to crack you." He looks between both of her eyes and smiles. "Well consider me cracked. When someone this beautiful is right in front of you, you have to crack." A blush crept upon her cheeks as usual when Max gave her compliments like this. "Okay, so will you answer my questions?" He grins and sits up. "Okay, what do you want to know?" She grabs his hand and looks deep into his eyes. "How well do you think you know me?" He chuckled. "Okay, now I'm really confused. What?"

"Like if I were having a bad day, what would you do to cheer me up. How well do you know me to cheer me up?" He didn't even need to think. He knew. "Well first off, I'd hug you because you love hugs." She smiled and crawled into his lap as Max leaned back on the sofa, still on the floor. "Yes, just like this." He kissed her shoulder and looked up to her in complete awe. "Then, then I'd let you know that I was on your side, no matter what happened and that I always will be." His calmness transfered to her. She wasn't feeling paranoid, she felt confident that he loved her and to be quite frankly, it killed her that she wasn't ready to be with him. He deserved someone who loved him back the way he could love, yet he was waiting for her. "Max, I think I love you." She whispered. She expected him to say it back, but he didnt. What he said shocked her instead. "You like me." He said. "No, I love you." He shook his head. "You like me. You aren't ready yet and I understand it. You dated a moron for years and you now have to get used to dating a complete god." He joked, posing a bit to make her laugh. "But seriously, we can wait. I've waited this long, I might as well wait a little longer." There was a comfortable silence that grew between the pair.

"Isla, I have to go to Austin and I want you to come with me." He said. "But I've been awful to you the past few days. Why would you want to bring me?" His grip tightened on her. "Because I want to make you love me." A small laugh left her lips at his words. She already felt in love, but he said this wasn't love. She could only imagine how it could get better. "Okay, but can we just lay here for a while?" She asked. "I forgot what it feels like to fall asleep in someone's arms." He peppered her in kisses, rocking back and forth until the two of them closed their eyes and drifted off to their dreams.

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