0.24 Boys Don't Cry

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"So, this singer." Jos said in a disgusted tone. "How long has that been going on?" Max shrugged his shoulders. "A while." He mumbled. "Great, it won't hurt her then." Max looked up at his father confused. "What do you mean?" Max asked in confusion. "You're going on break up with the girl and we can get back to racing." Max dropped his knife and fork down hard on the table, making everything shake. "Max, Jos, just leave it." Sophie cut in. "No, you said yourself you don't like her." Max turned to his mother in disbelief. "You don't like her?" She struggled to find words for Isla. "I just think she isn't right for you, that's all. There are better girls out there for you-"

"As much as I hate to say it, Mum, you can't say anything about love. You married him." Max said, nodding over to his father. "So I think it's best if you just keep your noses out of it and let me get on with it." Sophie was shocked at her son's sudden mood swing. "See, this! You would never say this to us. She's influencing you. In a bad way, the worst way." Sophie said disgusted. "So who do you suggest I go out with then out of curiosity?" Max asked, leaning forward towards his mother.

"A girl with a similar background to yourself. It'd be easier for you in the long-run." Sophie replied simply. "So a girl who was raised by a pretty much failed F1 driver and his karter wife, yeah?" Jos slammed the table. "Don't speak that way. We got you here, not that bitch you've been sneaking off to see." He snapped. Max clenched his jaw and stood up, throwing down enough money for his own food while his mother tried bargaining with him to stay. He didn't waste another breath on them, and he never wanted to again.

Max stepped through the front door, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a heavy heart. He followed the sound of a keyboard being tapped away followed by gentle humming. His Isla. "Hi, Maxie." Isla smiled, looking u quickly before having to do a double take.  Isla, noticing his pained expression, pushed the keyboard away and rushed to his side. "What happened, Max? Why are you crying?" Isla asked, concern etched across her face as she held his cheeks in the palm of her hands.

Max hesitated before finally speaking, "Mama and Dad came today. We actually had breakfast together, and the topic of you came up, but- I mean- they-" He paused and held her hips. "They don't like the idea of us, Isla." Isla's eyes widened. "Why? What did they say?"

"They think I should be with someone from a similar background, someone more 'suitable' for my status." Max explained, his voice breaking slightly. Isla took a step closer, their chests touching and their foreheads leaning on one another. "Max, do you love me?" Max nodded without hesitation, "Of course, I do."

"Then it doesn't matter what they think. Love goes beyond all those boundaries," Isla reassured him, her eyes having the calm that Max so desperately needs. "I love you and you love me and that is all that we need in this world right now." Isla smiled as she pecked his nose. "I don't know why I'm crying. This is so stupid. Boys don't cry." He sniffled, wiping his tears off his shirt. Isla gave a confused expression. "Who told you boys don't cry?" Isla asked, wiping his cheeks dry. "Was it Jos?"

Max reluctantly nodded in return. "Max, it's fine. You can cry around me. That's what I'm here for." She reassured him, her hands now moving to rub his back in an attempt to comfort him. "But Dad said boys don't cry, and that I should be strong and not let things like this affect me." Max admitted, wiping away a tear. Isla smiled softly, "Max, it's okay to feel and to show those emotions. It doesn't make you any less of a man. Let yourself feel, and let me be here for you."

Max, overwhelmed by emotions, finally let go of the facade he had been holding up. He embraced Isla tightly, allowing himself to release the pain and frustration that had built up.

"It hurts, Isla," Max whispered.Isla felt herself begin to cry now too. With what seemed like the whole world going up against them, it was getting tough. It just took the man she so desperately loved to cry and she was the exact same as him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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