0.21 Like Friends Do

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Max lay watching as Isla got her clothes back on. She spent the night again, probably for the fourth time this week. It was Thursday. He watched as her silhouette moved. Reaching for her shirt, tying up her hair. It was like he was watching a movie. "I much prefer staying at your place place some random hotel and getting drunk off the mini bar." She joked, pulling on her shorts. Max smiled and chuckled. "Yeah. I prefer my own bed." It became silent, the only sound being the few cars passing and the waves crashing off the coast. Maxs chest felt heavy as he thought about what to say next. He knew what he had to, otherwise he'd never have her as his girlfriend. "Isla, will you be mine?" She paused. "I don't think that's a good idea." She replied. "Isla, what are we?" Isla shrugged her shoulders. "Well I guess we're friends." That word stung. Friends. "I would agree, it's just-" He paused as Isla turned to look at him. "Friends don't act this way."

She laughed as if he was joking. "Act what way?" He let out a sigh. "The way we do." She shrugged it off. "I don't know what you're talking about. We just do what friends do." That was a lie. This was the farthest thing from friends and she knew that. "What are you afraid of?" He asked. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Love. That's the short answer." Max sat up. Isla only stayed where she was. "I just got out of a relationship. You need to understand that it's difficult for me." Max furrowed his eyebrows. She had been out of that relationship since May. It was now July. He didn't get why she was taking so long to move on, especially with what they had been doing together. "I'll wait for you. You know I will." She smiled at him. Something about him was so peaceful. She felt as though she needed that.

"But I'll need to stop kissing your mouth because I can't look at you quite like friends do and I myself don't want to get hurt from this." Isla's smile faded. "So we can't do what we have been doing?" Max shook his head. "Max, I don't think you get it. You don't say my name like my friends do." She explained. "And when you kiss my neck it doesn't feel like we're friends. It feels like we're more." Max's eyes lit up. "I know what I want, but it's a matter of not being ready for it yet. Its gonna take a little longer than this." Max didn't understand but he wasn't going to argue, not just yet anyway. He just let her do what she needed to to try get her over this dickhead that she called her ex. At least then he'd have a better chance of actually dating her. "Okay Isla, okay." Isla smiled softly at him and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry Max. I do like you a lot. Im just not in the place for a relationship right now."

Isla left, closing Max's door behind her and walking down the staircase of his apartment block. She rethought the while encounter with him. "What am I so afraid of?" She thought to herself. "What the fuck? I obviously love him." She felt as though she wasn't in the right mind to make up decisions for herself. She hated it. "Like friends do. Like friends do." An idea poepped into Isla's mind. There was only one way to resolve this; to call one of her closest friends, drink, sing and write. And so, Isla picked up her phone and dialled in the number, waiting for her to pick up.

"Sandra? I think I have a good song idea."

Max Verstappen - MemoriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat