0.10 Falling

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moving from a higher to a lower level, typically rapidly and without control.
decreasing in number, amount, intensity, or quality.

Max let out a breathe of relief as he hopped out of the car P fucking 4. That wasn't good enough. He was looking for a P3 minimum and ended up fourth. He went to the scales, got weighed and then went back to the garage. His helmet masked his true emotions, about how he felt on that result. That result was far too bad for a Red Bull car, especially with the speed it had too. "What the fuck was that?" Jos asked as Max walked by his dad. "Can we just not do this right now please? I'm already feeling pretty bad." Max replied "No Max! What the fuck was that? You didn't extract enough out of the car!" Jos boomed. Max took his helmet off and set it to the side. "And I will tomorrow, you know I will." Jos scoffed. "You better." before he walked away. Max let out a sigh and began unplugging his headphone, taking off the baleclava, basically just getting ready for media. "Ah, though luck mate." Max turned quickly to see Brad with a towel, drink and his bag over his shoulder. "You'll do better tomorrow for sure." Max took the towel from Brad and wiped his face. Max forced a small chuckle. "I hope so. I have to fly home with my dad and the last thing I want to hear is him complaining the whole way home."

"Ah, is a shame about Verstappen and Ricciardo eh?" Isla's father asked, eating a piece of bread. When they got to the cafe, they had formula one on, which was quite strange because usually there would be some football or something on but she wasn't complaining. Isla nodded and drank the last of her coffee. "They shouldn't beat themselves up about it though. I think they did quite well." Isla said. "You know I don't like them amor." Isla nodded and quietly whipped out her phone and went to Max's messages. She deleted the message about meeting up and decided to start again from new. Think of a different topic. She just figured she should congratulate him on P4, let him know he did good. "So, should we go back now?" Isla asked, shoving her phone back into her pocket. Her parents nodded before Isla looked around for a waiter to pay the bill and eventually leave.

"Yeah mate, I'll be downstairs if you need me. Gonna go get some grub." Brad said as Max entered his room. "Yeah, no problem. I'll see you around." Max closed the door and walked over to his bed, kicking his shoes off and just lying down to rest. He took his phone out of his pocket and went onto instagram like usual

(message deleted)

Max furrowed his eyebrows as he saw that a message had been deleted. What could she have said that made her delete it? Probably a typo or something. He continued to read on and felt his heart soften as he read the message after that.

Congratulations on P4

The realisation hit that she watched. She actually watched him fuck up. He closed his eyes in annoyance before typing back to her.

So you were watching?

He sat watching the screen for a while, hoping the time difference from Australia to LA wasn't too different.

Isla woke up to her phone beeping. She slapped her hand on top of the phone and looked at it through squinted eyes. She looked at the name and sat up quickly. What on earth was he doing up at this hour?

Max felt hsi heartrate quicken as he watched the typing icon pop up on screen. What was she going to say?

Of course I was

He felt appreciated in that moment. He didn't know why, loads of people watched the sport but this one person in particular meant a lot to him.

Because of me?

He asked. The typing icon came back up and he anxiously waited for her reply.

Ooh well someone is confident
But no, I have watched since I was little

Isla typed back and watched for Max to reply. It intrigued her that he wanted to know more about her, in her personal life, not just as a singer.

Ah lovely

She smiled and typed again.

Simply lovely

Max had a look at the time and realised he had an early morning tomorrow. He'd probably need to sleep.

Haha right
I'll get back to you later
It's sooo late over here

Isla raised an eyebrow and smiled. It was pretty late in LA too.

Well don't let me hold you up
It's pretty late over here too ngl

Max didn't want to stop texting her. He liked it, she made him feel okay about his performance, much better than how Jos would make him feel.

I kind of wish you were holding me up honestly


I'll be here when you wake up so you'll be fine


Something to look forward to

She began typing again.

Absolutely <3

Max's heart skipped a beat when he saw the heart. He was falling. Falling hard.

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